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The Drill and the Grinder – Indispensable Equipment in the Machine Tools Industry

Simple grinding operations to work on smaller to medium size work piece materials can be done with the help of compact grinding and drilling equipments. We provide grinding compact grinding equipments which can be applied for drilling and grinding as well.

The Development of the Drill and Grinder Systems

Drilling or piercing work materials of different types can work out only if precise machining is done. However, in earlier days grinding was manual done and later the inception of grinding equipments have made a lot of difference. Hence, tools invented for piercing provided scope for precision and reliability. We provide compact piercing tools that can be applied in both metal industries and wood work.

Drill and Grinder Construction and Mode of Operation

Drill equipments are designed as per industrial machining requisites. Based on the type and thickness of materials grinder are provided with exclusive specifications. In addition, grind tools are also designed to match the width and texture of work materials.


Essential Features of a High Quality Drill and Grinder

High quality drill or grinders are made of high tensile strength material. Such equipments can be relied upon for long term piercing operations. We provide devices suitable of variety of devices. These types of grinders can be applied for prolonged machining.

The Light Duty and Heavy Duty Drill and Main Differences

It is designed to drill work materials of less thickness. In addition, metal work sheets and wood piece which are less thick can be applied in light duty piercing machine for precise drilling. Heavy duty drill on the other hand is a perfect choice for machining heavy duty work materials especially metals including steel, aluminum, etc.


The Strait Grinder Versus the Angle Grinder

Straight grinder is versatile equipment very compact in size and it is a suitable choice to grind complicated areas which cannot be grind easily by conventional drilling equipments. Angle grinder on the other hand stays very effective in drilling as it has been designed exclusively to perform flawless drilling with less vibration.

Replaceable Parts of the Drill and Construction Materials

Drills are designed with replaceable parts including drill tool, handle and thrust. We provide straight and angle drill equipments of reliable quality and we also provide spare parts that can be replaced.

Quality Features of the Grinding Tool-What Do you Look out for?

When it comes to grinding tool, precision in piercing is the foremost quality as change in dimensions obviously results in wastage of work material. Secondly, durability of the equipment and power consumption remains yet another important feature that needs to be looked for while selecting grinding equipment.

Availability of the Drill and the Grinder Machines

We are leading supplier of work shop equipments. Our range of power tools including grinders and drills remain unique for the machine construction and performance. We provide drill components for light duty and heavy duty piercing requisites at


Grinding and drilling requisites have increased a lot in recent years due to the development of variety of industries. Bhavya Machine Tools offers variety of drills and grinders in compact size to handle light duty and heavy duty work materials.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
