Enhancing Precision and Efficiency with Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machines in Dubai


Dubai, a bustling hub of innovation and industry, demands cutting-edge technology to keep pace with its rapid growth and diverse manufacturing needs. Among the essential machinery that supports Dubai’s industrial sector is the Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine. Bhavya Machine Tools, a renowned name in the manufacturing industry, offers a robust and technologically advanced Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine that meets the high standards required by industries in Dubai. This article explores the features, advantages, and applications of this versatile machine, highlighting its significance in enhancing precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes.

The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine: An Overview

Bhavya Machine Tools manufactures and supplies an extensive range of workshop machinery, conforming to stringent industrial norms. Among their impressive lineup, the Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine stands out as a key instrument designed for automated turning operations. The flat bed design, combined with Computer Numeric Control (CNC) technology, ensures precise and efficient machining of various materials.

Advantages of Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machines

  1. High-Quality Construction:
    • Made from durable and high-quality materials, the Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine boasts a sturdy structure that enhances its longevity and reliability. This robust construction is essential for maintaining accuracy and stability during complex machining tasks.
  2. Automation and Precision:
    • The integration of CNC technology automates the turning operations, allowing for high precision and repeatability. This automation reduces the risk of human error and ensures consistent quality in every product manufactured.
  3. Noise-Free and Vibration-Free Operation:
    • One of the standout features of the Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine is its noise-free and vibration-free mechanism. This ensures a quieter working environment and reduces wear and tear on the machine, thereby extending its lifespan.
  4. Versatility in Machining Tasks:
    • The machine is capable of performing complicated tasks such as milling and drilling, making it a versatile tool in any workshop. Its ability to handle both light and heavy-duty materials with ease makes it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
  5. Advanced CNC Technology:
    • Equipped with the latest CNC technology, the Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine can perform high-speed operations with extreme accuracy. This technology allows for the creation of intricate designs and shapes that are difficult to achieve with traditional machines.
  6. Customization Options:
    • Bhavya Machine Tools offers the option to customize the flat bed design to support specific machining processes. This customization ensures that the machine meets the unique requirements of different industries, enhancing its functionality and efficiency.
  7. Efficient Production:
    • The high-speed capabilities of the CNC lathe machine significantly reduce production time, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. This is particularly beneficial for industries that require large volumes of high-quality products within tight deadlines.

Applications in Dubai’s Industrial Sector

The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine’s advanced features and capabilities make it an invaluable asset across various industries in Dubai. Here are some key sectors where this machine plays a crucial role:

  1. Aerospace Industry:
    • The aerospace sector requires components with high precision and complex geometries. The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine can produce these components with the accuracy needed to meet the stringent standards of the aerospace industry.
  2. Automotive Industry:
    • In the automotive industry, the machine is used to manufacture various parts such as engine components, gearboxes, and custom accessories. Its ability to handle both light and heavy materials makes it ideal for producing durable and high-performance automotive parts.
  3. Oil and Gas Industry:
    • The oil and gas sector relies on robust and reliable equipment for its operations. The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine can produce components used in drilling rigs, pipelines, and other critical infrastructure with the precision and durability required in this demanding industry.
  4. Manufacturing and Prototyping:
    • For general manufacturing and prototyping, the machine offers the flexibility to create a wide range of products. Its high-speed operation and precise control make it ideal for developing prototypes and producing small to medium-sized batches of components.
  5. Medical Equipment Manufacturing:
    • The medical industry requires components that meet high standards of accuracy and hygiene. The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine can produce medical devices and equipment parts with the precision needed to ensure their functionality and safety.
Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine by Bhavya Machine Tools

The CNC Process: From CAD to Final Product

The process of manufacturing with a Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine involves several key steps, starting from the design phase and ending with the production of the final product:

  1. CAD Model Preparation:
    • The first step involves creating a detailed Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model of the desired product. This model serves as a blueprint for the machining process.
  2. CAM Code Generation:
    • Once the CAD model is ready, Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software is used to generate the CNC codes. These codes provide precise instructions to the lathe machine on how to perform the machining operations.
  3. CNC Machining:
    • The generated CNC codes are fed into the lathe machine, which then performs the turning, milling, or drilling operations as per the instructions. The high-speed and accurate movements of the machine ensure that the final product matches the CAD design exactly.
  4. Quality Control:
    • After the machining process, the produced components undergo rigorous quality control checks to ensure they meet the required specifications and standards. Any deviations are corrected to maintain the highest level of quality.


The Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine from Bhavya Machine Tools is a game-changer for industries in Dubai, offering unmatched precision, efficiency, and versatility. Its advanced CNC technology, robust construction, and customization options make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, from aerospace and automotive to oil and gas and medical equipment manufacturing. By integrating this cutting-edge machinery into their operations, Dubai’s industries can achieve higher productivity, reduced production times, and superior quality in their products. Bhavya Machine Tools continues to lead the way in providing innovative and reliable machinery solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the industrial sector in Dubai.

Realizing Industry 4.0: Integrating CNC Lathe Machines into Europe’s Smart Manufacturing Systems

The evolution of Industry 4.0, marked by the integration of digital technologies and smart systems into manufacturing processes, is reshaping industries across the globe. In Europe, the convergence of innovation and automation is particularly evident in the integration of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe machines into smart manufacturing systems. This integration is revolutionizing precision machining, enabling efficient production, reduced downtime, and enhanced quality control. In this article, we’ll explore how CNC lathe machines are being seamlessly integrated into Europe’s smart manufacturing landscape, ushering in a new era of advanced production capabilities.


Industry 4.0 represents a paradigm shift in manufacturing, characterized by the interplay of cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics. At the forefront of this transformation is the integration of CNC lathe machines, advanced tools that epitomize precision and efficiency, into Europe’s smart manufacturing systems.

The Rise of Industry 4.0

Fusion of Digital and Physical Realms

Industry 4.0 bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds by interconnecting machines, processes, and data. This connectivity enables real-time monitoring, data-driven decision-making, and adaptive manufacturing strategies.

Enhancing Efficiency and Adaptability

The core principles of Industry 4.0 revolve around achieving unprecedented efficiency and adaptability. By seamlessly integrating smart technologies, manufacturers can optimize processes, reduce waste, and rapidly adapt to changing market demands.

CNC lathes machine

The Role of CNC Lathe Machines

Precision Machining Redefined

CNC lathe machines are a cornerstone of precision machining, producing intricate and accurate components across industries. With computer-controlled operations, these machines execute complex tasks with unmatched precision, consistency, and repeatability.

Automation and Data Connectivity

Integrating CNC lathe machines into smart manufacturing systems extends beyond mere automation. These machines become data hubs, generating real-time insights into machining processes, tool wear, and material properties. This data fuels predictive maintenance, minimizing unplanned downtime.

Benefits of Integration

Enhanced Production Efficiency

The synergy between CNC lathe machines and smart systems optimizes production workflows. Real-time data analysis enables dynamic adjustments, resulting in reduced cycle times and enhanced overall production efficiency.

Predictive Maintenance and Reduced Downtime

Smart integration empowers manufacturers with predictive maintenance capabilities. By analyzing machine data, patterns of wear and tear can be detected, allowing for proactive maintenance scheduling and minimizing production disruptions.

Improved Quality Control

The integration of CNC lathe machines with smart systems enhances quality control mechanisms. Real-time monitoring ensures that components meet strict tolerances and specifications, reducing the likelihood of defects and rework.

V Belt Driven Medium Duty Lathe Machine

Smart Manufacturing in Europe

Pioneering Innovations

Europe stands at the forefront of smart manufacturing innovations. The integration of CNC lathe machines aligns with the region’s commitment to advanced technologies, fostering a competitive manufacturing landscape.

Collaborative Ecosystems

The success of Industry 4.0 integration hinges on collaboration between manufacturers, technology providers, and research institutions. Europe’s collaborative ecosystems facilitate knowledge exchange, ensuring that the integration of CNC lathe machines is a collective effort.

Challenges and Future Directions

Skill Transformation

As technology advances, the workforce requires upskilling to harness the potential of smart manufacturing systems. Training programs that blend technical expertise with digital literacy are pivotal in realizing the full benefits of CNC lathe machine integration.

Data Security and Privacy

The proliferation of data-driven processes necessitates robust cybersecurity measures. Protecting sensitive manufacturing data from cyber threats is paramount to maintaining the integrity of smart manufacturing systems.


The integration of CNC lathe machines into Europe’s smart manufacturing systems is a testament to the region’s commitment to innovation and efficiency. This synergy between advanced machining and smart technologies elevates precision manufacturing to unprecedented heights. As Europe continues to lead the way in Industry 4.0 advancements, the integration of CNC lathe machines serves as a beacon of transformative change, solidifying the region’s position on the global manufacturing stage.

How CNC Lathe Machines are Redefining European Manufacturing Networks?

The concept of supply chain resilience has taken center stage in the modern business landscape, with industries seeking ways to mitigate risks and ensure uninterrupted operations. In European manufacturing, the integration of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe machines is emerging as a pivotal factor in enhancing supply chain resilience. These advanced machining tools are redefining manufacturing networks by promoting flexibility, reducing lead times, and enabling localized production. In this article, we’ll explore how CNC lathe machines are playing a crucial role in reshaping European manufacturing networks to achieve greater supply chain resilience.


In an era marked by volatility, disruptions, and global uncertainties, supply chain resilience has emerged as a critical business imperative. The integration of CNC lathe machines within European manufacturing networks is shaping a new paradigm of production, one that embraces adaptability, localized manufacturing, and enhanced agility.

The Imperative of Supply Chain Resilience

Navigating Disruptions and Uncertainties

Global events, from natural disasters to supply chain disruptions, have underscored the vulnerability of interconnected supply chains. To mitigate risks, businesses are actively seeking ways to enhance the resilience of their operations and minimize the impact of unforeseen disruptions.

Embracing Flexibility and Adaptability

Supply chain resilience requires a departure from rigid, linear supply chain models. Instead, businesses are recognizing the importance of flexible and adaptable manufacturing networks that can quickly respond to changing demands and circumstances.

CNC lathes machine

CNC Lathe Machines: Catalysts for Change

Precision and Efficiency

CNC lathe machines are renowned for their precision and efficiency in manufacturing. The integration of these machines empowers manufacturers to produce intricate components with unparalleled accuracy, reducing the likelihood of defects and rework.

Customization and Short Production Runs

CNC lathe machines excel in producing customized components and accommodating short production runs. This flexibility allows manufacturers to swiftly adjust their production lines to meet specific customer requirements without overcommitting resources.

Reducing Dependency on Global Suppliers

Localized Production and Sourcing

The integration of CNC lathe machines supports localized production and sourcing strategies. By manufacturing components in close proximity to the final assembly point, businesses reduce their reliance on distant suppliers and minimize transportation risks.

Minimized Lead Times

CNC lathe machines contribute to reduced lead times, enabling manufacturers to respond swiftly to market fluctuations and customer demands. This agility is essential in maintaining a competitive edge and meeting customer expectations.

Precision Lathe Machine

Enhancing Agility and Responsiveness

Quick Turnaround Times

CNC lathe machines facilitate quick turnaround times for manufacturing components. Whether for rapid prototyping or urgent production needs, these machines enable businesses to expedite the production process without compromising quality.

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

The integration of CNC lathe machines supports rapid prototyping and iterative design processes. Manufacturers can quickly create prototypes, test new concepts, and refine designs, accelerating the innovation cycle.

Collaborative Manufacturing Ecosystems

Supplier-Customer Partnerships

Supply chain resilience thrives on collaboration. Manufacturers and suppliers are forming closer partnerships to share information, insights, and strategies, fostering a network that collectively responds to disruptions.

Information Sharing and Coordination

Effective supply chain resilience relies on transparent information sharing and coordination. CNC lathe machine integration facilitates real-time data exchange, enabling informed decisions across the manufacturing network.

Challenges and Considerations

Skilled Workforce and Training

Maximizing the potential of CNC lathe machines necessitates a skilled workforce. Manufacturers must invest in training and upskilling to ensure that operators can harness the full capabilities of these advanced machines.

Technological Investment

The integration of CNC lathe machines requires technological investment. Manufacturers must consider the costs of acquisition, maintenance, and software updates to ensure sustained efficiency and performance.


The integration of CNC lathe machines into European manufacturing networks signifies a transformative shift toward enhanced supply chain resilience. By leveraging precision, flexibility, and agility, businesses are creating manufacturing ecosystems that can withstand disruptions and uncertainties. As businesses continue to adapt and innovate, CNC lathe machines will play a pivotal role in shaping a new era of manufacturing, one defined by responsiveness, collaboration, and the ability to navigate challenges with unwavering resilience.

Bhavya Machine Tools at EMO Hannover 2023 – Exploring New Horizons

In the dynamic realm of manufacturing, Bhavya Machine Tools has solidified its position as a pioneering Indian Machine Tools Manufacturing Company. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and quality, the company has set its sights on a remarkable venture – participating in the prestigious EMO Hannover 2023 event, a grand spectacle that gathers prominent machine tool brands from around the world. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Bhavya Machine Tools’ journey, the significance of EMO Hannover, and what visitors can anticipate at this monumental event.

Unveiling EMO Hannover 2023: A Glimpse into the Event

EMO Hannover is a biennial event that holds immense importance in the realm of production technology. Set to take place from September 18th to 23rd, 2023, this six-day extravaganza is a melting pot of cutting-edge machinery, technological advancements, and industry networking. Manufacturers, innovators, and experts from across the globe converge to showcase their prowess, exchange ideas, and uncover the latest trends in the manufacturing landscape.

Significance of EMO Hannover: A Gateway to Innovation

EMO Hannover serves as a vital platform for industry players to demonstrate their technological breakthroughs and foster collaboration. The event paves the way for knowledge exchange, unveiling novel solutions, and establishing strategic partnerships. It’s a testament to the dynamism of the manufacturing industry, and an opportunity for companies to align with global trends and customer demands.

Bhavya Machine Tools Experience

Bhavya Machine Tools: A Trailblazing Journey

From UAE to Europe: A Success Story

Bhavya Machine Tools has already made waves in the UAE and Gulf Countries, where its precision machine tools have been embraced by the metal fabrication and machining sectors. This successful expedition into the Middle East laid the foundation for a new aspiration – to tap into the European market. EMO Hannover 2023 presents an unparalleled occasion to make this aspiration a reality.

Exploring the European Market: What’s in Store

At EMO Hannover 2023, Bhavya Machine Tools will be a prominent presence at Hall 17 Stand A45. Here, you will discover a wealth of immersive information concerning state-of-the-art machine tools, delving into profound insights about the latest advancements and offerings in industrial machinery, such as flat bed CNC lathes, re-sharpening machines, and an assortment of precision tools from Bhavya Machine Tools.

The Bhavya Machine Tools Experience: Features and Benefits

Unveiling Innovation: Showcasing Precision

Bhavya Machine Tools is renowned for its commitment to precision and innovation. Visitors at EMO Hannover can have informative insight of the latest advancements in the realm of machining technology. From intricate components to complex fabrications, Bhavya’s tools are designed to cater to a diverse range of manufacturing needs.


Q1: When and where will EMO Hannover 2023 take place?

A: EMO Hannover 2023 is scheduled to occur from September 18th to 23rd, 2023. The event will be held in Hannover, Germany.

Q2: What makes Bhavya Machine Tools stand out?

A: Bhavya Machine Tools is renowned for its precision, innovation, and diverse range of machine tools catering to various manufacturing needs.

Q3: What can visitors expect at Bhavya’s stall?

A: Visitors can anticipate immersive information, interactive sessions, and insights into the capabilities of Bhavya’s machine tools.

Q4: Is this Bhavya’s first international event?

A: No, Bhavya Machine Tools has previously explored the UAE, Gulf and other Countries’ markets successfully.

Q5: How can I learn more about Bhavya Machine Tools?

A: For more information, visit our website at https://www.bhavyamachinetools.com.

Embrace Innovation at EMO Hannover 2023

As the curtains rise on EMO Hannover 2023, anticipation mounts for the revelations that this event will bring. Bhavya Machine Tools’ participation adds a new layer of excitement, offering attendees a glimpse into the future of precision manufacturing. With interactive sessions, innovative solutions, and a commitment to excellence, the company aims to leave an indelible mark on this monumental gathering.

So mark your calendars and seize the opportunity to connect with industry leaders, witness cutting-edge technology in action, and explore the myriad possibilities that lie ahead. Join Bhavya Machine Tools at Hall 17 Stand A45 and embark on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and transformation.

The Future of CNC Lathe Machines

In recent years, the manufacturing industry has witnessed significant advancements in technology, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. One such technological marvel that has transformed the manufacturing landscape is the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe machine. With the ability to automate complex machining processes, CNC lathe machines have become a vital tool for precision manufacturing.

Over the years, CNC lathe machines have evolved significantly. From the early days of punch-card programming to the current state of sophisticated software-driven systems, these machines have become more user-friendly and capable of handling complex tasks. The future will witness the integration of even more advanced features, enabling manufacturers to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity.

Advanced Automation Capabilities

Automation has always been a key feature of CNC lathe machines, and the future will bring even more advanced automation capabilities. Collaborative robots, or cobots, will work alongside human operators, handling repetitive tasks and allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative aspects of manufacturing. This collaboration will lead to increased productivity, improved safety, and reduced labor costs.

In an industry where production orders are often smaller batch sizes, implementing automation can help to improve productivity by streamlining operations. This can lead to increased capacity, decreased labor costs, and reduced production cycles.

In addition, it can also help to reduce energy consumption, as automation uses less power than human operators to run a CNC machine. This can make a significant impact on a facility’s overall energy efficiency, as well as its carbon footprint.

Furthermore, automation can allow a factory to keep a steady production level and prevent the need for excessive downtime. For example, if an operator is sick, or the machine breaks down, automation can pick up where it left off without any loss in design fidelity.

In addition to this, automation can save designs for future use. This means that even if a worker leaves the company, it can continue producing the same products without any issues. This can also improve staff morale, reducing the need for repetitive, tedious manual tasks that can be frustrating for employees and lead to fatigue.

CNC lathes machine

Improved User Interfaces and Accessibility

To make CNC lathe machines more accessible to a broader range of users, manufacturers are investing in intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Future machines will feature touchscreens, simplified programming languages, and interactive visualizations, making them easier to operate and program. This enhanced usability will enable manufacturers with varying skill levels to harness the power of CNC technology.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of CNC lathe machines. By incorporating AI algorithms and machine learning capabilities, these machines will become smarter and more adaptive. They will be able to analyze vast amounts of data, make real-time adjustments, and optimize machining processes for superior performance. AI integration will enable predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and maximizing production efficiency.

The potential of CNC machines like the lathe to be paired with artificial intelligence is astounding. These robots are capable of doing a variety of tasks that were previously performed by humans and can help increase productivity, reduce cost, and improve overall efficiency. They can even act as a sort of assistant to human employees and help them complete tasks faster and more accurately.

Machines that are able to make products more quickly and reliably are critical for manufacturing companies with tight turn-around times. This is why engineers are working hard to make CNC machines more reliable so that they can meet production deadlines.

One of the ways that they are doing this is by incorporating 3D CAD viewers into their standard machine platforms. This allows technicians to view the progress of their work and helps them troubleshoot if there are any problems. Additionally, it can help reduce costs by reducing the need to hire extra workers to oversee the process. This means that more money can be invested into other important areas such as training, process integration, and production planning.

Different Types of Drilling Machines Available

Integration of Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing various industries, and CNC lathe machines are no exception. IoT integration will enable real-time monitoring and data exchange, providing valuable insights into machine performance, maintenance needs, and production analytics. This connectivity will enhance operational efficiency, enable remote diagnostics, and facilitate predictive maintenance strategies.

Enhanced Precision and Accuracy

As demands for high-precision components continue to rise, CNC lathe machines are expected to deliver even greater levels of accuracy. Advancements in sensor technology and feedback systems will enable machines to monitor and adjust machining parameters with exceptional precision. This enhanced accuracy will open up new possibilities for intricate designs, complex geometries, and tighter tolerances.

Customization and Flexibility

In the future, CNC lathe machines will offer unprecedented levels of customization and flexibility. Manufacturers will be able to tailor the machines to their specific requirements, whether it’s configuring the workspace, integrating specialized tooling, or adapting to different material properties. This customization will enable manufacturers to optimize their production processes and respond swiftly to changing market demands.

CNC Lathe Machine – Global Demand and Supply

The global CNC lathe machine market is highly fragmented with a large number of regional and local players. The key players in this market like Bhavya Machine Tools are continuously developing new products to meet the needs of the rapidly evolving industry. We are also expanding our market footprint.

Rising Demand for CNC Lathe Machines

Demand for CNC lathe machine is expected to grow at a fast pace throughout the world. The Asia Pacific region will continue to be a significant market for these machines. Several countries in the region are rapidly industrializing and have high demand for CNC lathe machines. This growth will generate significant opportunities for manufacturers in the region. The articles provide insights into the competitive landscape, drivers, and restraints of the global CNC lathe machine market.

In terms of revenue, Asia Pacific is the largest market for CNC lathe machines, followed by the North American and Europe regions. The growth in this region can be attributed to a large number of emerging economies, such as China and India. These countries have adopted government initiatives to develop themselves as high-end manufacturers and industrialize. In North America, demand for CNC lathe machines is expected to increase with the growing demand for prefabricated metal industries.

The CNC lathe machine market is highly fragmented, with a large number of regional and local players. These players are constantly developing and launching new products to meet the ever-growing demands of the industry.

CNC lathes machine

Benefits of CNC Lathe Machine Owing to Market Growth

Other industries that benefit from CNC lathe machines include the aerospace and defence industries. These industries use CNC machines to manufacture military and aerospace equipment parts. These machines also allow users to produce custom-designed parts for specific applications. In addition to being a high-tech tool for manufacturing, CNC lathe machines are also an essential part of many consumer products.

The vertical CNC lathe machine is similar to the horizontal CNC lathe machine. The main difference is that the workpiece is mounted on the machine bed vertically. This makes it safer for users to access workpieces and allows for more precise cuts. These machines can be used for different machining tasks, including turning small screws and bolts.

The manufacturing industry relies on CNC machines in their daily operations. These machines help ensure that manufacturing pieces are as accurate as possible. With the ability to upload algorithms to the machine and monitor the machine’s progress, they are ideal for a number of industries. They also save time and labour costs, which is essential in many industries.

The global CNC lathe machines market is expected to grow at a rapid pace. This growth is being driven by the demand for precision in manufacturing. This technology allows manufacturers to create complex parts and components that require precise cutting.

Heavy Duty Flat Bed CNC Lathe

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on CNC Lathe Market

The global market for CNC lathe machines is segmented based on product type, application, geography, and competitive landscape. In particular, the market for CNC lathe machines is expected to grow in the automotive and general machinery segments. Increasing demand for vehicle-related components such as disc brakes is expected to boost the industry’s growth.

As the pandemic spread around the world, it disrupted manufacturing processes, reduced international travel, and shifted consumer demands from unnecessary to essential products. With no ray of hope in sight, many companies are scrambling to adjust to the new reality. But, the good news is that this crisis could be a great opportunity for CNC manufacturers.

While the market is experiencing a halt in sales during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact on CNC manufacturers is minimal. Many of them are completing pre-existing orders in order to ensure continued market sales. In addition, increasing demand for CNC technology and the digitalization of manufacturing processes is expected to drive the industry forward.

The global CNC lathe machine market is segmented by type. The two main types of CNC machines are conventional and computerized. Growing automation in the manufacturing industry is expected to boost the demand for CNC machines. Furthermore, 3D printing is expected to increase the demand for CNC lathe machines.

The Bottom Line

The market for CNC lathe machines is expected to grow at a significant rate over the next few years. The growth of the lathe machine market is expected to stem from the increasing demand for high-quality products and the reduction in labour costs. Furthermore, CNC machines offer increased speed, efficiency, and accuracy, which will help manufacturers maximize their raw material costs. Furthermore, the increasing trend toward additive manufacturing will further fuel the growth of the CNC lathe machine market.

CNC Lathe Machine Market in USA and Europe

The article includes the demand and application for CNC lathe machines, as well as the micro and macro market trend analysis. It also identifies key players, the competitive landscape, and trending innovations in the CNC lathe machine market. It will help you to understand the competitive landscape in the USA and Europe. You will also learn about the impact of the COVID-19 regulations on the CNC lathe machine market.

Demand for CNC Lathe Machines

The CNC lathe machine market is expected to grow at a significant pace over the forecast period. The growing demand for high-quality and precise products has boosted the adoption of CNC machines in the manufacturing industry. The advantages of these machines include enhanced speed, accuracy, safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The increased adoption of CNC machines is due to their ability to improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes and reduce human error. Further, the machines can be updated easily using existing software, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

The market for CNC lathe machines is segmented by type. Conventional and computerized versions are available in the market. The increasing need for high flexibility in manufacturing processes and the growing popularity of additive manufacturing are expected to fuel the market for CNC machines. In addition, 3D printing is likely to increase the demand for CNC lathe machines. By 2022, the global market for CNC lathe machines is projected to reach nearly $1 billion.

Application of CNC Lathe Machines

The worldwide market for CNC lathe machines is segmented by product type, application, geography, and competition. It also includes cost analysis, supply chain, and competitive landscape. Growth is expected in automotive and general machinery segments, where batch production of similar products is common. The automotive industry requires various components for production, including disc brakes, which offer high-performance braking with minimal wheel lock. It is projected to witness considerable growth in this market over the next few years, as more automobiles come with disc brakes.

CNC Lathe Machines Regional Growth

The CNC lathe machine market is segmented into two types – Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) and Conventional. Demand for CNC machines is increasing in the manufacturing industry due to increased demand for customization and high speed. Furthermore, the growing trend toward additive manufacturing is expected to drive the market. With these factors, the CNC lathe machine market is expected to grow over the coming years.

Several factors contribute to the growth of the CNC lathe machine market in the USA and Europe. The automotive industry is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period. The rising awareness of global warming and rising manufacturing of alternative sources of power such as solar and water are driving the market growth. Meanwhile, CNC machines are actively used in the power and energy industries and help reduce the machining time. Furthermore, the demand for CNC machines in the USA and Europe is expected to increase due to the increasing demand for energy and alternative sources of power.

Impact of COVID-19 on CNC Lathe Machine market

The global crisis has already affected the global market for CNC lathe machines. Major investment decisions for new machinery will not be on hold. In addition, many manufacturers will have no difficulty meeting demand as a result of the pandemic. Moreover, Asian suppliers will not find it difficult to ramp up production quickly, which will lead to the on-time supply of key components and fast delivery.

This pandemic has impacted several economies, and a lockdown by government agencies has put a damper on industrial operations. However, it will recover soon after the efforts of industries and the government. 

Market Share of CNC Lathe Machines

This article is based on first-hand information and in-depth analysis collected from industry participants and experts, about the parent market and the qualitative impact of various market factors, and the major segments of the CNC lathe market. Among these segments, the automotive sector is the largest market for CNC lathe machines. The automotive industry requires the production of various parts and assemblies for vehicles. Disk brakes are anticipated to boost the market growth, as these provide the exceptional stopping power and precision in breaking. They are also known to decrease wheel lock.

Japan, the leading industrialized nation, is another significant market for CNC lathe machines. It is known for the early adoption of computer numerical control technology and has become a global powerhouse in machine tool manufacturing control. China, on the other hand, is a major industrializing country, and it is expected to grow at a strong pace, generating significant opportunities for manufacturers in this region. Therefore, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to remain the largest market for CNC lathe machines.

The Bottom Line

The global CNC lathe machine market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of nearly 5% in the coming years. It is driven by positive economic indicators and a growing automobile production market. Since the automotive industry is not facing a difficult time, the CNC lathe machines market is expected to grow in 2022. Further, key segments of the CNC lathe machines market are expected to enjoy significant growth potential in the next few years.

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a CNC Lathe Machine

Before you buy a CNC Lathe Machine, it is important to learn about the different kinds. Different machines have different axes, and using different axes allows you to make parts of different sizes and shapes. You will also need to choose the type of transportation that your CNC Lathe will receive. A basic CNC lathe has two linear axis, and can be used for facing and outer diameter operations. However, it does not allow milling.

A CNC Lathe Machine’s core part is the control device. It is composed of a computer and an LCD display, and it uses a G-code or a tape reader to perform various operations. The feed and spindle drive are realized by an electric servo system. Several feeds are used for processing straight lines, space curves, and planes. Besides, you can use different toolpaths to perform different tasks on the machine.

A CNC Lathe Machine is controlled by a computer with a menu-type interface. There is only one operator, who supervises the process. The computerized data and CAD/CAM program automate the movements of the machine. The axes are controlled by a CNC controller, which works with a series of motors. Once you have programmed the movement, the axes will execute the movements. A CNC Lathe Machine is an excellent choice for machining parts of any size and shape.

CNC lathes machine

The first step in a CNC Lathe Machine is putting the cylindrical material block into the chuck. Then, you set the spindle to the required speed, and the chuck rotates with the workpiece. Once it has reached the desired speed, the carriage must be moved to a specific feed position and perform the cutting operation. Then, the carriage must be removed from the workpiece. Then, you are ready to start making your new CNC Lathe Machine!

A CNC Lathe Machine is an extremely versatile piece of machinery. It can perform a variety of tasks. For example, it can be configured vertically or horizontally. It can also have a slant bed or a flat bed. A CNC Lathe Machine can also support a number of different machining operations. Whether you are making tools for the aerospace industry or preparing parts for other industries, a CNC Lathe Machine is the perfect tool for the job.

A CNC Lathe Machine can be used to make parts of different sizes and complexity. Because it can make complex parts, it is an ideal tool for many industries. You can switch between different parts easily, which reduces human error and costs. If you’re considering purchasing a CNC Lathe Machine, you should talk to an expert first. In addition to the cost, it is essential to learn more about the benefits of this CNC machine.

Buying a CNC Lathe Machine

CNC Slant Bed CNC Lathe

The slant bed CNC router is a high-precision, high-volume automated machine tool. Equipped with a multiple-station power source or station, this machine tool has an exceptionally wide scope of operation, able to process curved cylinders, horizontal cylinders, flat cylinders, curved arcs, and many other complex mechanical workpieces including threads, slits, slots, and worms with single or multiple axis parallelizations, polygon optimized linear interpolation and surface optimized cutter workpiece integration. With these capabilities, any product design can be turned into reality with ease. This capability has made this machine tool a preferred choice by leading manufacturers who have a long history of supplying parts and machining products.

About CNC Slant Bed CNC Lathe

The invention of the slant bed CNC router machine revolutionized the industry and changed the face of machining forever. These innovative machines are fully automated and eliminate the need for human intervention. From the flat bed to the CNC router and from the lathe to the cutting tools, each has its own unique characteristic. There are some similarities between the two types of machines but there are also some fundamental differences. This article will discuss the merits of both flatbed CNC lathes and slant bed CNC routers.

Difference between Flatbed CNC Lathes And Slant Bed CNC Lathes

The primary difference between flatbed CNC lathes and slant bed CNC lathes is the amount of material that can be used for the production of a single piece. A flatbed CNC lathe can cut to various sizes depending on the amount of material that is available in the tool’s feed system. The material limitations of flatbed machines make them less practical for use in applications where there is a need to create a large number of identical pieces of the workpiece. On the other hand, CNC slant machines can handle large numbers of identical pieces and can create more complex designs by incorporating various sizes of steel slabs or by providing different-sized holes in the tool’s feed mechanism.

Another significant difference between the two types of CNC lathes is that the flatbed machines are capable of only horizontal movement. As compared to a slant machine, which can also produce vertical movements, a flatbed CNC lathe cannot accomplish operations that require turning movements. In addition, the operation of a flatbed CNC lathe and a slant bed CNC machine is not affected by mechanical stresses imposed by the operation of the lathe. For this reason, both types of CNC machines are suitable for a wide variety of EDM applications, including metalworking, stamping, engraving, tooling, thinning, forging, and jigging.

CNC lathes machine

Significance of Slant Bed CNC Lathe Machines

The availability of CNC slant machines has significantly increased with the increase in the availability of computer numerical controlled (CNC) technology. A CNC lathe machine is capable of performing a variety of operations that are difficult to do with traditional CNC machining methods. It can be used to fabricate parts at an increased rate and at a lower cost than with traditional machining methods. In addition, these CNC lathes can also perform tasks that would be too complicated to accomplish with a traditional machining method. These tasks include curved, angular, or non-square components. They can also be utilized to manufacture many different shapes.

In Conclusion

Many companies use CNC slant bed machines in their EDM projects. This is primarily due to the fact that it enables the company to reduce the cost of labor and to make larger quantities of identical products. A typical CNC slant bed lathe can cut materials using wood, plastic, metal, or a variety of other rigid materials. Because the parts are uniform in size, they will fit together better and will have a more intricate surface finish. Many engineers, architects, and designers utilize a CNC slant bed lathe because it allows for greater design flexibility and greater production rates.

CNC Lathe Machine – Producing Art with CNC Machines

A CNC lathe is a software-controlled machine tool that utilizes state-of-the-art CAD software and mathematical algorithms to manipulate only three-dimension objects using just mathematical equations and computer programs. In simple terms, the CNC machine tool generates a three-dimensional image that is further implemented on real object shaping from a series of digital measurements with the use of a computer-controlled machine. With the advent of computer numerical controlled (CNC) technology, even tools that previously used mechanical processes can now be operated by the user at a fraction of the cost of a real CNC machine. This technology is so efficient that CNC machines have become the choice of many industries which require complex and intricate types of machinery such as automotive, marine, printing, etc.

Types of CNC Lathe Machine

One example of a typical CNC machine that is used in today’s world is the CNC lathe machine. These types of machines come in two types: the ones which allow only horizontal or vertical movements of the workpiece, while the other one allows rotation of both the horizontal and vertical axes simultaneously. These types of CNC machines generally run on motorized versions which can move the workpiece in either direction freely.

Working of CNC Lathe Machine

When it comes to CNC machining operation, the most common axes that are used include the X and Y axis, as well as the Z-axis. With the X and Y axis, the CNC lathe machines are able to drill, cut, grind, and drill holes of any size and depth. The other axis which is widely used in CNC machining operation is the Z-axis. The Z-axis is able to perform all the same functions as the X and Y axis, except for rotating.

Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machine

Features of CNC Lathe Machine

A good feature of CNC lathes is that they allow users to slowly shear away small pieces of stock in order to create a more complex or intricate piece of material. This is an essential process that is often necessary when working with delicate materials such as plastics. This process is also commonly used when trying to create a more complicated object such as a plastic sculpture. By slowly shearing away the material which is needed for the desired result, the intricate part can be made much more quickly, thus making the finished product much more consistent and detailed in its design.

The Bottom Line to CNC Lathe Machines

A CNC machine has the ability to perform a number of tasks, depending on which type of machine it is used for. For example, the CNC lathe can perform milling operations, where it can rapidly cut a large number of circles out of a solid material to make it into smaller parts. It can also easily cut small areas of material into the desired shape, which is known as “shaping and accurate milling”. After the desired pattern has been produced, it can even be pressed into the material manually to create it into a thick wall or piece. The CNC machine will then cut horizontal sections of a material to produce a number of identical panels which are used in a variety of production processes. One of the most popular types of CNC lathes machines is those that are designed for those that want to produce a high level of precision. The CNC machines are much easier to operate, which allows users to be able to produce intricate pieces of art, and large numbers of intricate shapes and patterns with relative ease. They are also commonly used in the production process of wood furniture.

Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine for Precision Machining & Tooling

The need for precision machining and tooling became indispensable when computers were first used in factories and later in the machining process itself. The development is further complemented by the growth of aerospace and automotive industries thereby compelling the need for CNC machines to create parts in different shapes and sizes. Computer numerical control (CNC) tool and cutter grinding machines are extensively used for honing tool bits and other machinery. This process produces a more intricate product at faster speeds than conventional machining procedures.

With this technology, it is now possible to cut and grind almost any surface including metal and even ceramics with a high degree of accuracy. A CNC milling machine operates by using computer numerical control to control the operation of a drill or cutter. Instead of manually operating the machine, commands are processed by the computer.

Milling Machine

Features of the CNC Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine

One of the unique features of the CNC tool and cutter grinding machine is its multi-tasking capability. Tool and cutter grinding machines are built with several software options that allow users to switch between different functions at the click of a button. These include options for engraving, drilling, turning, etching and others. This allows the operator to perform various tasks simultaneously. This feature has made it very popular among industries as it enables them to work on several projects simultaneously.

Advantage of the CNC Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine

Another unique advantage of this machine tools is their extreme usability. They are designed for universal milling, drilling, turning, grinding, planning and other complex machining operations. They are also ideal for applications requiring extreme accuracy such as tool and die making, air cushion machining, surface roughing, etc. Furthermore, these tools are suitable for EDM (electronic data management) and CAM (Computer Aided Design) processes.

Applications of Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine

Tool and cutter grinding machine parts vary according to their specifications and application. For example, a diamond abrasive wheel may be used in abrasive milling and cutting in order to increase the grinding speed of CNC equipment. Alternatively, there are different types of abrasive wheels such as high carbon alloys and carbon black. A grinding machine part that may come in a variety of sizes and specifications to meet varied customer needs.

Grinding Machine

In general, CNC grinding machines use a cylindrical table for performing various machining operations. Usually a rotary table is attached to the machine so that it can rotate freely. However, CNC grinding machines may also use a linear table which may not rotate freely due to its fixed nature. The stationary types are usually used for cutting and sanding in work pieces while the mobile ones are used in the cases where accuracy and mobility are essential. In addition, both types of these machines are capable of providing high levels of precision.

Specifications of Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine

Tool and cutter grinding machines are made of a variety of materials including steel, aluminum alloy and even titanium. Some machines use a single piece of steel, while others are capable of using multiple pieces of steel. Regardless of the type of material used, the end result should always be durable and reliable. This is why manufacturers make sure that their machines are designed properly to ensure that they will last for a long time. They do this by ensuring that all machining parts are made out of the best possible material that has been approved by the manufacturer.

The Bottom Line

Tool and cutter grinding machines are manufactured and set up for specific purposes. In the case of CNC surface grinding, for example, the tool and die bed situated above the chuck perform grinding operation. There are different types of grinders suitable for different jobs. These are the reason why it is necessary to ask a lot of questions when you are buying your grinder so that you get the one that works best with your requirements.

Latest Advancements in CNC Machining Center

Any CNC milling or drilling machine is referred to as a CNC machine center. There machines tend to include an automatic tool changer along with a table to clamp the workpiece. The way it works is that a tool rotates while the workpiece stays in place. Most important characteristic of this machine is the orientation.

This machine makes use of Computer Numerical Control and allows precise control over a majority of the parameters like speed, location, coordination as well as the feed rate. It is possible for a single programmer to control the machine work using a computer console on a CNC machine. This is the equivalent of multiple operators working on other machines like lathes, grinders, routers and mills.

These computerized automated machines are usually more efficient as well. This article goes on to explain benefits of using this machine, how the horizontal CNC machining one is different from the vertical CNC and their applications.

Why CNC Machining Center?

The main reason for using CNC machine is because of all the automation features. Besides that, it is faster, has a higher production rate and is highly accurate as well. These machines have good cutting quality. These machines make the process of working on complex surfaces easier.
There are many other reasons of using these machines as per this list:

  • Labour safety
  • Lowers chances of going wrong
  • High accuracy
  • Ability to monitor process
  • Less need for test runs
  • Greater Flexibility
  • Higher cutting parameters
CNC – Vertical Machining Center

Past, Present and Future of CNC Machining Center

A lathe machine has been around since the 3rd century BC in ancient Egypt. Mycanean Greek implemented it during the 13th and 14th century BC as per various discoveries made. There is also a painting from the 3rd century of a lathe device and several artefacts from the 6th century. It was an important device during the industrial revolution and is the mother of all machine tools.

Prior to the late 19th century, this machine was mechanically driven however, it has been replaced with electric motors since then. Further advancements lead to the introduction of the computerized control panel. Precision level of these machines is expected to become better in the future.
Some of the next generation technology includes a next generation computer numerical controls (CNC), advanced CNC programming, implementing CNC intelligence along with automation & 3D printing as well as virtually reality.

How Horizontal & Vertical CNC Machining are Different?

The main difference between a vertical CNC machine and horizontal machine center is spindle structure; one has a vertical spindle and the other a horizontal. There is a difference movement pattern as well. The vertical machining center column usually does not move. Moveable ones will do so only in X and Y direction. On the other hand, the horizontal machining center is a moving column of type T. It moves along X direction, and the column of an inverted T type moves along Z direction.
A vertical machine is also easier to install and operate. The debugging process is also easier. Structural complexity of the horizontal one is higher, and production capacity is lower.

Industrial Application of CNC Horizontal Machining Centre

A Horizontal Machining Centre is best suited for heavy duty and high-speed machining as well as when machining is necessary on multiple sides. It is useful for big and small parts and applicable in a high or low production environment. It is useful for both low as well as high volume production requirements.

Industrial Application of CNC Vertical Machining Centre

Vertical machining centres are useful for die sinking. VMCs are known for milling and have several applications in many industries include the oil industry. There are many advancements in CNC machine tools and thus are useful in a greater number of applications.

CNC Turning Machine: Understanding its Component and Features

Human cravenness for perfection with less effort has made wonders in economy. Everyday everything is going smart just like a mobile phone, machineries in manufacturing house are also adopting advanced technologies to serve the requirements of mass production.
Nowadays, most of machines come with CNC system, CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. Some of the examples of CNC machines are CNC Lathe Machine, CNC Milling Machine, CNC Turning Machine, and many more. This article mainly focuses on CNC Turning machine and its specification and application.

What is CNC Turning Machine?

The CNC Turning machine is used for milling and shaping purposes of a non-rotary material in the factories. It provides shape to material by cutting away unwanted material. It is controlled by CNC system.

The equipment is very useful if one has to manufacture similar items in a symmetrical fashion for large scale basis.
The turning machines are usually used to machine and produce specific and important components, especially intricate designs such as automobile parts and components, aeronautical parts, railings, table and chair legs, as well as other similar parts.

Overview of CNC Turning Machine and its Components

  • The CNC system helps the operator to easily operate turning machine. The system has various alphabetical and numerical keys on it. The alphabetical keys are for G code which is used for Tool functioning and the numerical keys are for M code which is used for Machine functioning.
  • The CNC system consists of control panel through which the operator can control the functioning of the machine. It also contains a screen by which the machinist can check parameters of the machine and also any edit or input value in the system can be witnessed on screen.
  • There is also a mechanism called Feed Controller which can regulate the cutting speed of machine. The RPM can control the speed of spindle which can be done automatically by pressing its button as well as manually.
  • The CNC machine has an amazing feature of alarm, which starts ringing whenever any issue occurs with machine.
  • The very useful component of the machine is chuck which is used to clamp, unclamp and hold any material. It is bolted on spindle which rotates the chuck. It is two, three and four jaw according to the requirement of machine. Basically, two jaw is for rectangle work piece, three jaw for round and four jaw for square work piece.
  • The spindle rotates and shapes the material is due to hydraulic pressure which is managed by Hydraulic System.
  • The system also contains conveyor which carries the raw material to the chuck and brings back the finished products.
  • To facilitate the user in the best manner, the machine contains a feature of Emergency Release, which is used to skip any operation of the machine simply by pressing it.
  • The CNC turning machine also considers the operator’s safety. Hence, it comes with Chip Guard Door so that the product does not pop out of the machine and hurt anyone during operation.
  • There is lubrication system which promotes smooth functioning of the turning machine. It reduces the friction between the components of machine caused due to its continuous working. There is alarm which is attached to it that rings whenever there is insufficient quality of lubricant.
  • Another important feature of this machine is its coolant function which outpours the liquid, generally water to cool down the finished products.

CNC Lathe Machine

Safety Measures for Using CNC Turning Machine

  • The safety always comes first while dealing with manufacturing of any product.
  • The operator must have PPE, that is, Personal Protection Equipment. It consists of Helmet, Goggles, Mouth mask, Ear plugs, Dungaree and Apron, Hand gloves and Safety shoes.
  • The PPE is essential for operator’s safety as it will lessen the effects of uncertainties during the operation or manufacturing process.

Conclusion: One must ensure the maintenance of CNC turning machine to maintain its high performance levels.

Why Bhavya Machine Tools?

Bhavya Machine Tools is a leading supplier and exporter of CNC Turning Machine in India. The company offers a wide array of high quality products such as Press Brake, Slotting Machine, Wood working Machine, Radial Drill Machine, Lathe Machine, Hydraulic Lathe Machine, Machines Tools, Shaping Machine, Sheet Metal Machinery, Universal All Geared Lathe Machine, Lathe Machine Accessories and many more equipment.
The company is equipped with an advanced infrastructure and skilled and experienced staff. We deliver supreme grade products and unmatched customer services at cost-effective rates to our esteemed customers throughout the world.

Machining Technology Developments Have Changed the Manufacturing Landscape

Recently, the machine tools industry is enjoying unprecedented surge in demand worldwide. To the surprise of many manufacturers, the output is still unable to satisfy this demand. There have been certain areas of the machine development and innovation that have been the focus of most users, and prompting machine tools manufacturer to put in more research and effort into them. These include;

High Speed and Efficiency in Operation
There is mounting demand for greater maximum main spindle speeds as well as feed speeds that are aimed at avoiding the chatter vibration during operation. In the years of the 1960’s to the 70’s there was much research on reducing the vibration, mainly described as the regenerative and the forced chatter vibration. There has been much progress in this area, with the incoming of the CNC machines, but still the vibration problem resurfaces when harder materials and being machined.

Multifunctional Machine Tools
In addition to enhancing of efficiency, there has been a great focus on increasing the multifunctional ability of the machine tools. This includes the development of 5 axis machining centers and the combined multifunctional turning centers. According to engineers and machinists, the advantages of combined multifunctional machines include;

  • Improved machining accuracy with reduced production time (one chuck process)
  • Machining of complicated shapes.
  • Combination of processes such as hobbing, polishing, slope machining/drilling, milling, external circumference machining, boring and many other processes can be combined.

There have been many types machining centers developed to match up with the current needs of the tool room equipments. With the addition of the orthogonal 3-axis vertical machining centers, there has been rapid improvement in efficiency of the tool room machines. Some of the available machines from the Yash machine tools company have become widely renown due to their production efficiency are;

Lathe machine
The available models of the lathe include;
Light duty lathe machine
This equipment is designed to make industrial tasks easier, faster and error free. The bed is made from hardened cast iron, with the boring done with induction hardened boring head and ground spindle made from alloy steel. Many other innovations have been added to make the equipment best for light duty lathe machining operations.

Medium Duty Lathe Machine
Medium duty lathe equipment comes with latest engineering design, with sturdy materials of construction which are also durable and firm. Important components like the machining bed, head stock, and saddle are carefully machined to guarantee operational accuracy.

Heavy duty lathe machine
The heavy duty lathe is developed with important innovations in parts design such as the bed design is stress relieved, gear box and feed box are new and improved to guarantee high speed performance.

CNC Lathe Machine
The company has also developed the CNC lathe machines, including the Flat Bed CNC Lathe and the Slant Bed CNC Lathe machines. The equipments have been made with advanced technology that eliminates the chatter vibration to minimum levels and thus increasing the machining accuracy of the equipment.

Vertical Turning Lathe
This equipment has been designed with the high output user in mind. The turret style machine has a high torque drive to achieve some of the toughest cuts in process. The massive castings and the extra wide way system will ensure very accurate and stable machining and high quality products are achieved.

CNC Lathe Machine – Wide Range & Product of Excellence

The lathe machine has been well described as the mother of all metal shaping processes. The computer Numeric controlled lathe has taken metal shaping a notch higher by making it possible to machine metal parts in an automated process, thus reducing the human supervision required and increasing the total output of the machine.

The design and development of the CNC lathe has therefore been able to maximize productivity and efficiency to guarantee increased profitability than before. The use of this special computerized control technology reduces the need for human supervision and has eliminated downtimes associated with fatigue and other human factors such as concentration and human errors.

CNC lathes machine

Types of CNC Lathe Machines
The latest machining trends indicate that CNC lathe machines have replaced the traditional lathe due to their accuracy of machining, precision, repeatability and ease of operation. The equipment has been developed to utilize modern tooling techniques including carbide tools, for maximum production efficiency. Different types of CNC lathes vary with different manufacturers. There is however some common features in all these machines.

The basic operation involves the turret which houses the tool holder and directs them as required. The spindle is designed to hold the work piece and the inbuilt slides allow the turret to move in multiple axis. CNC machines are completely enclosed during operation to guarantee safety to the operator.

Special Features of CNC Lathe Machines
With the rapid technological development, different lathe machine manufacturers employ different technologies in the user interfaces that may make operators experience difficulties learning the system.

The development of affordable and advanced computers with operating systems such as the Linux and other open source CNC software has made these machines more affordable and available in machining industry.

A wide range of innovations have been made depending on the needs of the target markets of these lathe machines. The dual spindle lathe machine combines the y axis with the c axis as well as live tooling to enable multiple operations to happen. The tool room lathe is made in such a way to allow easy tool machining and variable parts making.

Special Purpose CNC Lathes
Horizontal milling is carried out using horizontally configured CNC lathe machines. The equipment is designed using rotating and cylindrical cutters with ability to move in up to five axis and therefore able to produce a variety of shapes, holes, slots, and other details in a three dimensional work piece.
With increasing production and need for quality and long lasting parts , special purpose CNC lathe machines have been developed . The 3 Axis CNC lathe machine has several important features that keep it ahead of the other models.

  • It is able to accommodate a large number to tools during machining.
  • The equipment is designed to handle both long and thin work pieces without any machining challenges
  • Equipped with strong servo motors for both the X and the Z axis motion.
  • The collet clamping system is pneumatically controlled hence smooth in operation.

Bottom Line
The CNC lathe machine is the epitome of excellence. The computerized turning center remains a symbol of perfection in machine tooling. The high precision and high performance turning processes achieved by this equipment has taken parts manufacturing processes to new heights of automation. More advanced equipments are being developed including smaller versions of the machine such as those used in manufacture of medical equipments and other sensitive operations.

CNC Machining Center, Slant Bed CNC Turning, Drilling-cum-Milling, Re-sharpening Machines

CNC Machining Center

CNC Machining CenterThe available models for CNC Machining Center include DL – MH series and the TD Series for drilling and tapping centers. The CNC machines are able to guarantee long term reliability and efficiency through sturdy construction, high quality manufacturing material and automatic lubrication systems. The CNC machines are also equipped with automatic tool length setters that ensure allmeasurements during production are highly accurate and there is no material wastage. The machining centers are also equipped with programmable logic control systems as well as automatic memory system that avoid repeated calibrations when similar work pieces are being operated.  The equipment can also accommodate a wide variety of spindles required during the different operations.

CNC Vertical Machining Center

CNC – Vertical Machining CenterThe vertical machine center can be referred to as an industrial work horse, able to deliver parts with high accuracy and has reduced production time. The spindle design is robust and well designed to deliver exceptional horse powers, superior torque and variable machining speed as may be required by the work pieces. With this level of automation, the CNC vertical machining center can cut a wide variety of materials, lower production cycle times, reduce the cost of machining and increase the profitability of the process. The machine has been developed with great hind sight from the engineers to reduce the downtimes associated with frequent quality checks

Slant Bed CNC Turning Centre

Slant Bed CNC Turning CentreSlant bed CNC Turning Centre is a high speed production lathe that has a high precision and a bi-directional indexing turret. The eight station tool turret increases the production efficiency and decreases waste.  The guide ways are also developed in a way to ensure accuracy and high level of feed as well as cutting speeds. The 45 degree slant bed CNC turning centre feature of the bed enhances the accuracy of operation and machine stability. The spindle structure is also designed and mounted in such a way as to prevent deformation of the work piece.

Drilling Cum Milling Machine

Drilling Cum Milling MachineThe drilling cum milling equipment from Bhavya Machine Tools comes with several advantages to the user. These include ;

  • Excellent gantry design for greater functionality and performance
  • May come in gantry or table design
  • Singular or multistage carriage design
  • Good pass between the columns for maximum usability
  • The milling cum drilling machine offers flexible machining which can integrate up to 5 axis milling head
  • Long term accuracy is guaranteed through sturdy and rigid framework that eliminates unwanted vibration.
  • Some of the units come with enhanced tool management system for easier tool changing, automated lubrication and very user friendly control system for smooth operation.

Re-Sharpening Machine

Re-Sharpening MachineRe-sharpening machine is a very innovative equipment made to withstand rigorous and hard metal sharpening operations. It delivers very precise grinding results with an accuracy of up to 0.02mm. The equipment is easy to learn and operate and will sharpen a drill bit in 20 seconds. The power consumption is good and the grinder usage of approximately 0.2 mm. The quality of the grinding wheel has been ensured by using diamond dust wheel grinding material. The tool box is also well secured. Some of the units are portable hence can be used at the work site. Various models of drill bit re-sharpener and universal drill grinders are available depending on the customer’s needs in machining.

Hydraulic Press

Hydraulic PressSome models of the hydraulic press include the c-type hand operated press, c-type power operated, H-type power operated press. The pressing equipment is built with great versatility and designed to run at variable strokes and die sizes. They are developed to handle various production needs and different tool sizes as the production demands. The ability to have variable stroke length allows for various applications including punching, straightening, pressing, transfer molding and other applications. Due to the variable stroke length, a wide range of die heights can be used and still be able to maintain the required tonnage during operation.

Use of Specialized and CNC Lathes in Education and Training Institutions


Lathes are referred to as the mother of all machines due to the numerous engineering functions they perform and their application in nearly all industrial sectors. As the proverb goes, there is profit in all hard work; lathes are at the center of all profitable production and maintenance centers.

They provide a wide range of mechanical engineering functions suitable for all manufacturing and maintenance workshops. Teaching technical students on lathe machine operations not only impacts them with practical skills but also enable students engage in profitable ventures after college.


Nature of educational lathe machines

With the rapid increase in the number of universities and tertiary education centers offering quality engineering education, students must be trained on practical hands on experience on these equipments. Sturdy, high precision and accurate equipments are therefore used.

Educational equipments are developed to provide extra safety during operation since they are operated by untrained people. The bed, spindle, chuck and other components are made to high strength and durability and are must be produced to precision and accuracy.

Special training features for educational lathe

Trainer equipments must incorporate operations such as threading, horizontal boring, turning, facing, horizontal drilling, knurling and other functions. This ensures that trainers attain skills and experience in all machine tool operations. Three and four jaw chucks can be mounted on this equipment and this increases their versatility.

Safety is at the heart of every process and device. To enhance safety, they have automatic turn off switches and foot brake pedal that stops the device immediately. They also incorporate ergonomics to ensure that the user does not strain when operating the device.


CNC lathes are at the heart of modern training. Most operations in these devices are automated and have computerized feeds. It is possible to program these machines and are compatible with CAD and CAM software’s.  Using CAD, drawing and other materials can be imported and used during operations.

Educational institutions are centers of excellence and quality. As a result, trainer machine tools must achieve high precision and accuracy. Their beds are manufactured to high flatness, robustness and smoothness. This is achieved high strength materials to manufacture the bed, carriage, tailstock, headstock, and tailstock. The feeds and lead screw are specially constructed to reduce backlash which results to inaccuracies.

Use in Education Institutions

The use of these machines in engineering college has increased due to the rapid need to produce well trained graduates and technologists in many countries. Currently most education facilities use CNC lathes since the train the student on both manual and computerized control. Over 95% of engineering learning institution have these equipments and is therefore imperative that institutions acquire them to aid in practical training.


Educational training equipment replicates modern machine tool used in production and maintenance centers. The machine tools used for teaching must have high strength and provide numerous functions to enable students gain all skills required. In addition, CNCs trainers are programmable, versatile and easily linked with design centers utilizing CAD and CAM software’s.

All About CNC workshop Machineries

Automated Operation Features in Workshop Machineries

Machines that are applied to carry out critical core engineering works are termed as workshop components. These components were in use since several years back; however, with the advent of designing machines with computer software many automated equipments have been introduced to make the operation ease.

Inception of CNC technology

CNC is the short form of Computer Numerical Control and this technology is embedded with machinery to make the machining process stay automatic, faster, and obtain flawless and uninterrupted activities.  It is a special software with which needs the assistance of experienced operator to initialize the program instructions.

Productivity and Investment Advantages of CNC Machines

Productivity is not a challenging concept with computer operated workshop equipments provided the devices are handled properly with experienced operators. Precise, flawless and fast machining works can be easily obtained with the help of this kind machines.

For High Performing CNC Workshop Friendly components

We manufactures and supplied workshop machines to different engineering industries worldwide. They produce high performing and innovatively designed CNC  to suit different machining activities.

Computerized Machineries Supplied

We are experienced manufacturer and supplier of workshop machineries and they are also provide CNC embedded at relatively good pricing.

CNC Lathe and Machining Advantages

We offer CNC lathe machines which can be depended for premium finishing, and precise dimension. Flat bed are available for heavy duty as well as moderate machining operations and Slant Bed lathe differs in terms of spindle speed and swing than conventional lathes.

Milling Equipment with Computer Numerical Control Principle

Numerically controlled milling equipments are digitally automated and it stays every effective for accurate shaping jobs. This is also preferred for higher cutting performance and can manage prolonged productivity requisites as well.

How Advanced Shearing Operations are done?

Shearing it the process of bending work piece materials to make it harder; however, conventional shearing equipments can stay supportive for moderate productivity. shearing machines on the other hand can stay compatible for relatively higher productivity.

Press Brake with CNC

Press brake is one of the oldest workshop models existing since the inception of workshop tools. It is applied in bending operations with utmost precision in bending. CNC embedded press brakes supplied by us are made of high grade materials and computer aided control panel to meet better adjustments.

Technical Advantages of buying CNC machines

CNC workshop tools are made from graded components; hence, they can be preferred for long term usage. Similarly, all tools are known for their flawless operations and higher productivity.


Computerized functionally included in workshop tools keep the rapidity of machining fast and the results of machining remains undoubtedly precise and uninterrupted. However, people who are experienced in numeral control should be fixed for operating these equipments.

Multiply Your Investment Revenue with CNC Lathe Machine

CNC Lathe for Higher Performance and Productivity

CNC lathe  is a revolutionary invention for the machining processes.  Though this is relatively expensive than bench and table mount models, yet while comparing the performance and productivity.

More Productivity in less Timing is the Route to Revenue Making

When compared to conventional lathe machines, CNC stays unique, better, fast and reliable. Industries which invest in computer operated cutting tools can expect more flawless production in comparatively less time.

Precision, Accuracy and Perfection in Tooling

Precision, perfection and minimal wastage are considered the top three requirements in machining processes. Workshop instruments which can provide these three important features will remain appropriate for revenue making. While investing in high performing and accurate equipments like CNC manufacturing activities can be done as per plan, hence, industries can certainly make good revenue.


Wastage of Work Piece-A Common Error Happening in Conventional Lathe

Conventional cutting machines require manual support for all sorts of operating adjustments wherein, chances of wastage remains higher. Computer Numerical control cutting equipments are operated with pre-programmed machining options and wastage is comparatively less or no wastage can be seen at all.

Non-Stop Performance-An Ultimate Solution to Increase Productivity

If production can be increased with the help of non-stop work, there is ample opportunity to make money easily. As far as computerized workshop cutting device is concerned, it can work for 24 hours a day and also all through the year leaving scope for excellent productivity.

Advanced Software to Design Machine-Helps for Profit Making

With the advent of suitable software for designing, consumers can easily obtain customized changes in lathe equipment. it is not an exception from that and in this way, investors can make profit by spending less time and money in replacement or renovating.


Manage Machine Operation with Less Operation Cost for Labor

CNC lathe machine can be operated easily if the user is able to grasp the programming options. Unlike other machining equipments, processing with computer aided equipments does not require skilled operators. This aspect saves expenditure on labor cost and in a way help to increase revenue as well.

Meet the Competence for Sure

With computer aided workshop cutting equipment, it becomes quite possible to increase machining operations at a great speed so that industries can meet the market competence on a reliable basis. Managing operation standards as per market value is easily possible with computerized tools, hence, revenue making at moderate investment will happen for sure.

What Should the Investor need to do from his side?

The investor should be able to measure the production requirement. He in turn should plan in appropriate way to organize production with relation to demand. This will avoid loss of investment.


Lathe suppliers are available worldwide, however; trying to find a reliable manufacturer who can supply perfect design of CNC embedded cutting  is more important to experience quality production. Yash Machine Tools is one among the leading manufacturers of workshop equipments and consumers can find best lathe from us.

Perform Mechanical Operations on Shafts, Pipes and Other Materials Using Advanced Lathe Machines

The lathe machine is one of the most utilized tool in the world. They have developed overtime from simple to more sophisticated Computer Numerical Control (CNC), turret, capstan, all geared among others.  They are widely used in mechanical workshops, automotive industry and in maintenance workshops.

Machining Operations on Pipes and Shafts Done Using Lathe Machines

Convectional devices perform various operations on shafts and pipes. One main function is turning which entails the precision reduction of diameter of shafts and pipes. Facing entails the reduction of shaft length. It also performs threading on pipes and shafts. By adjusting the settings, one can cut imperial threads (UNF, UNC, BSW and BSF) of different pitches, ISO threads, ACME threads, internal and external threads and many other types.

Other functions done using the lathe machine include; drilling, boring (enlarging an existing hole on a shaft), taper tuning, form turning (producing a specific shape on a shaft), cutoff (cutting a shaft into different parts) and knurling (making impressions on a shaft).

They used to manufacture many cylindrical components such as bolts, nuts, bush bearings, shafts, pipes and many other mechanical components.


Achieving Precision and Accuracy of Mechanical Operations Using Geared Lathe Machines

These are very accurate as the transmissions from the motor to other controls are done through gearing systems. This achieves high precision and enables to cut heavy duty shafts.

Features of CNC Lathe Machines and How They Enhance Machining Operations

These are computerized and most functions of the operator are computer controlled. The operator programs the lathe to perform a set of functions based on the input parameters.

The operator enters the initial work piece size, depth of each cut, operations to be done (turning , threading, facing etc) and the final work piece size. It will automatically cut the shaft to the required parameters. It incorporates automatic feed control, tool changing systems and automatic spindle speed adjustments.

Technological Advancement in Lathe Machines and How They Enhance Shaft and Pipe Machining Operations

These are sturdy in their construction and are able to handle heavy loads and operate with less noise. They have high precision as compared to other lathe. CNC are automatically controlled and also achieve high precision.

The turret, capstan and CNC lathe machine are manufactured to handle high production volumes and have specialized features that allow easy work mounting, centering and precision machining.

Current it have many advanced features that enhance the production process. These include; self centering 3 jaw chuck, four jaw chucks, spindle speed control, automatic feeding, automatic braking and many safety and ergonomic features. The bed size, bed swing for most lathe equipments have increased in order to enable the large diameter shafts.


Lathe machines are used in most production workshops for shaft and pipe cutting. CNC and all geared have special features which make them very effective in machining centers and high production environments.

Find out the Machining Differences in Flat Bed and Slant Bed Imported Lathe

Understanding the Lathe device and its functionality

A Lathe Machine is a suitable machining component with which tough work pieces can be shaped easily. It is widely used in industries for shaping, cutting, turning and grooving a range of work piece materials like wood, metal, glass, etc.

L earn the main types of lathe

Lathe machine is classified in accordance with the type and quantity of machining work that has to be performed. Based on that a device is classified into light duty, medium duty and heavy duty and apart from that tools are also available with Computer numerical control operations. A flat bed and slat bed are specific varieties in where the position of machining differs.

What is so specific about Flat Bed Lathe?

A Flat bed CNC lathe can be sought for precise machining measurement, tensile strength and excellent finishing. Work pieces materials bearing length up to 600mm can be easily maintained with this flat bed.

Heavy Duty Operations with Heavy duty Flat Bed CNC

Heavy duty machining is the challenging work in workshop operations. Hence, several engineering industries look for a device which can stay compatible to handle heavy duty work materials.

What makes Heavy Duty Flat Bed CNC a specific tooling equipment?

It is designed to carry over heavy duty machining applications will remain the right type. In addition, heavy duty CNC flat bed from Bhavya Machines is suitable to expect high performance and low maintenance cost.

Benefits of slant bed lathe

It is a good illustration reflecting high end technical excellence. Spindle speed ranges up to 4500 rotations per minute. It is the most preferred of all CNC for all sorts of automized machining jobs.

Comparing the expenses on lathe machine varieties

Finding a equipment for heavy duty operations will surely cost higher price; however, it is quiet unimaginable to find an imported machine at reasonable cost. We offers imported extra heavy duty pedestal and planer type and heavy duty devices at low cost.

The Best Place to Find Imported Lathe Device

We are leading supplier of workshop machining equipments and tools in India. For all sorts of shaping, cutting, drilling and milling requirements in engineering industries we can find the right equipment.

How about choosing a lathe device from Bhavya Machine Tools?

They are leading distributors of imported workshop equipments to several engineering industries and technical educational institutes. In addition, We have wide range of device for different quantities of machining demands.


For low cost, low maintenance and high quality imported equipments we will stay the best option. When it comes to flat bed or slat bed imported equipments with different capacities of machining operations, Bhavya Machine Tools is the right place to find one from.

Differences between Slant Bed and Flat Bed CNC Lathe Machines

Slant Bed CNC LatheIntroduction to CNC Lathes and significance of CNC

Lathe equipment is one of the workshop machineries that can be used for a range of machining purposes such as shearing, sanding, turning, drilling, shaping, etc. A lathe works for different types of materials such as all kinds of metals, wood, and even plastic. It is one of the best workshop equipments that stay perfect to obtain proportioned objects. With several technological innovations have been made to cope up with the industrial demands, lathe device has been incorporated with computerised technology called CNC.

A Computerised numerical control or CNC lathe works with modern concept with which machining can be made effective and monitored as well. Lathe equipments are of two types lathe machines flat bed lathe and slant bed lathe. A CNC is a latest technology that works with the help of a computer where you can monitor the equipments performance in a computer. A CNC lathe is of two types’ flat bed CNC lathe and slant bed CNC lathe. Both the types of CNC lathe device are preferred for the improved applications they offer.

What is Slant Bed and Flat Bed CNC Lathe Equipment?

A slant bed lathe with CNC technology and the flat bed lathe vary in terms of lathe bed alignment.  The lather bed is aligned in sideways in a slant bed lathe as it is found to be very useful in producing straight movement in Z axis. The motion of the moving parts of the machine is stabilized in slant bed which helps in maintaining accuracy in the machining process. The slant position of the backlash promotes to process work even with heavy loads. Mounting the tool, whole machine bed and other maintenance roles are easy to play in slant bed. Flat bed equipment on the other hand contains lathe bed in flat position in which the material needs to be positioned appropriate. Flat bed can be opted for designing with variations to handle light and heavy metal machining process. You may have more information about CNC lathe equipments, here at – http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com/lathe-machine/cnc-lathe-machine.html

Differences between Slant and Flat Bed CNC latheFlat Bed CNC Lathe Machine

  • A flat bed lathe stays perfect to achieve accuracy of rigid materials, whereas slant bed can be preferred to obtain Z axis movement in machining
  • A flat bed can be preferred for handling lighter and heavy duty materials, where as slant bed can work only for lighter material
  • A flat bed is reliable than a slant bed in terms of low power consumption, higher range of productivity, stability and machining.
  • A slant bed lathe is relatively beneficial in loading, accessing and machining as it works only with lighter materials, whereas flat bed lathe requires the support of a skilled professional who can handle it properly.

Applications of Flat Bed CNC and Slant Bed Lathe

Both the lathe models are preferred for various industrial purposes such as

  • In Shipping
  • In mining
  • Machineries
  • Power Plants
  • Industrial workshops where higher amount of drilling is required


While considering the two models, a flat bed is more beneficial when it comes to more production requirement. Hence, investing in flat bed lathe is relatively good for large business.

CNC Lathe Machine Range for Multipurpose Machining

The lathe is a multipurpose machine tool; that rapidly rotates the work piece along its axis to perform various tasks like cutting, shaping, drilling, turning, sanding etc.; in order to create a symmetrical object. Nowadays, the latest manufacturing machines use computers to automate numerous manual functions in several industrial segments; including lathe machine operations.

What is CNC Lathe Machine?

Apart from the earliest wooden lathes and metal lathes; a broad array of lathe machines are now available in the market such as the CNC lathe machine. CNC is the short form of Computer Numerical Control. CNC is now applied in almost all types of manufacturing processes. CNC lathes are basically controlled by a computer. The related manufacturing procedure is pre planned by the computer. Once the lathe machine is preset, it can continuously function automatically; followed by occasional supervision of a machine operator.

Importance & Benefits of CNC Lathe Machine

These CNC lathe machines have largely replaced the older versions of lathes in the production and machining department; since they are simple to operate, provide extreme accuracy and deliver top grade products. CNC lathes offer many benefits such as high powered axis drives, feedback control for monitoring and maintaining the tool position; and even constant high speed motion of complex machines. After providing all the functional parameters, a machine operation can be easily set up; thus eliminating the repetitive manual adjustments.

Components of CNC Lathe Machine

CNC lathes are programmed to quickly and precisely cut the work piece using tools and Heavy Duty Flat Bed CNC Lathedrills. The same result may otherwise be difficult or impossible, while using the conventional lathes. This CNC machine also incorporate tool holders and coolant pumps to reduce deterioration. CNC lathe machines have the ability to cut curved contours without using special shaping tools. This is possible due to the computer programmed and controlled speed of the two motion axes and the spindle simultaneously.

Types of CNC Lathe Machine

The CNC lathe machine range includes; flat bed CNC lathe machine, heavy duty lathe, heavy duty flat bed CNC lathe machine, slant bed CNC lathe machine, imported CNC lathe machine, Swiss style CNC lathe machine etc.

Working of CNC Lathe Machine

A CNC lathe machine is controlled electronically through a computer generated menu interface. The computer program can be displayed and suitably modified on the machine, along with a virtual view of the related procedure. The CNC lathe operator should be high skilled and properly trained to perform the manufacturing process. After pre setting a CNC lathe machine, it can be operated and supervised simultaneously.

A CNC lathe machine must be provided the relevant instructions to produce a new or different shaped object. This is done by a computer programmer, who prepares a set of machining instructions related to that process. It is then translates into a computer aided-automated manufacturing (CAM) program; for the particular machine to understand and operate accordingly. Then a CNC lathe operator in a machine shop or tool room will download the CAM program, set up the lathe; and then start the machine and intermittently monitor it until the process is completed.

In Conclusion

These days CNC lathe machine manufacturers provide a wide range of CNC lathe machines at affordable rates.

Lathe Machine Operations

Nowadays, the tool room work and workshop machine activities; are done by repairers or through suitable lathe tools. A lathe is a tool utilized to perform various functions like turning, cutting, drilling, grooving, knurling, parting, threading etc. They are used to produce accurate products made from metal, plastic, wood etc. The basic lathe machine operations are as follows:-

Turning is an essential and important lathe operation. It is used to create circular objects and for reducing the diameter of the work. Taper turning refers to the process where the tool narrowly cuts the job at a specific angle. Knurling is done using a knurling tool; it has two slashed lined wheels that are pressed against the rotating work piece to produce a knurled object.

The drilling operation uses a drilling tool which is held in the tail stock and fed into the work by using a handle on tailstock. Threading is a precise operation, where the tool is fed into the job at a constant speed. This is done by attaching a carriage assembly with lead screws that are connected to the driving mechanism through gear trains. Two types of threading are external and internal threading.


Grooving is done before external threading by feeding the grooving tool perpendicular to the rotating work piece. Parting is done for cutting a work into smaller parts. Chamfering refers to slitting or cutting the edges of the object.

The major parts of a lathe machine are bed, headstock, saddle, tailstock, top slide; apron, cross slide, lead screw, countershaft, tool rest, chuck and gears. The bed is the base of a lathe, the chuck holds and spins the work piece; whereas the apron grips the gears, and the headstock allows the spindle to rotate at variable speeds. The tailstock holds the end of the work; and the carriage houses the cross slide, top slide and saddle.

Many types of lathes are available including the wood lathe. Here the cutting tool is operated manually by skilled workers to precisely form smooth curves and complex shapes on the work piece. The spindle is normally driven by a belt connected to the motor, and the speed can be varied manually. Lathe tools are held manually against the work, with the help of an adjustable tool rest; that is clamped to the base at a suitable position.

Engine lathes are machines with a longitudinal base, where the headstock and tailstock are mounted. It has an advanced spindle drive that runs at variable speeds; the selectable gears help to operate the machine at higher speeds. The lathe cutting tools are moved against the work using hand wheels; or automatically using a lead screw that is power driven by gears in the headstock. The carriage moves back and forth on the bed for longitudinal turning. The cross slide and compound rest are mounted above the carriage to enable cross and angular cutting.

Finally during any lathe machining operation, always take necessary precautions; even if you are an expert, or are handling an important process.

Exclusive Range of Machine Tools from Bhavya Machine Tools

We present variety of tools used in various standard and critical industrial applications. Some of the widely used industrial equipments are lathe, drill, tool room, sheet metal, shearing, press brakes, SPM & heavy, wood working and automobile unit. We are having expertise in manufacturing all types of industrial machines, which work accurately with high performance. These are made up of high quality sturdy materials to give a long life with low maintenance cost. Our wide ranges of lathe devices are demanded worldwide for perfection of work, quite affordable low cost for long durability.

Our light duty lathe is perfect for applications, where lathe equipment usage is limited with higher performance and ease in operation. The series is spread further with medium duty lathe machine, heavy duty and extra heavy duty. Our export quality roll turning lathe is used in creating specialized cylindrical rolls in rolling mills. We cater the above all series of lathe under the all geared category also to perform metal and wooden machining with speed control gears. We are also a leading distributor and supplier of imported lathe for India and across the world dealing in high end universal all geared lathe including CDS A series, CDS B series, CW E series, CW M series lathe which are completely automatic with enhanced features, compact units, highly durable and efficiency of delivering the perfection output beyond imagination.

Our completely automatic computer operated lathe machines give amazing performance with very low resources and high efficiency have made them popular to opt as an industry best lathe in various models of CKE 6130I, CKE 6150Z and slant bed CNC lathe.

About Bhavya Machine Tools

We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified tools manufacturing company in India. The company specializes in supplying lathe, drilling, grinding, V belt driven shaping, shearing, press brake, pillar and C type power press machines and others for tool room, construction, metal and wood working industries. For further details please contact us at +91-79-4024 2800, +91 – 79 – 3007 4560 or visit our office located at

Bhavya Machine Tools

A-601, 6th Floor, Sapath-4, Opp. Karnavati Club,

S.G. Highway Road, Satellite,

Ahmedabad-380 051,

Gujarat. (India).

CNC Lathe Machines Can Make Your Job Easy

CNC is the short form of computer numerically controlled which refers to a process in which a computer reads code instructions in order to control a  tool. A CNC lathe is controlled by a computer due to which the material can be cut, drilled, sanded, shaped or polished quickly. In order to meet a variety of industries, modern technology is required. It can give a specific standard of accuracy and speed which can enable a workshop to fulfill even the difficult demands of the industries and achieve success in providing completion of jobs as per the their requirements. The basic benefit is that it requires minimum human efforts and so the possibilities of workers getting injured in workshops have reduced to a great extent. These computer operated lathe have given a great level of accuracy in production due to which more and more workshops and industries are inclining towards applying it in their production. Thus, CNC lathe machines can make your job easy considerably by providing accuracy and speed both. If you are convinced with the idea of buying a CNC tools but need to have more details about it then you should consider reading this article further.

Advantages of CNC Lathe Machines

  • The foremost advantage is that it makes difficult jobs easier and quicker as it is fully automated with a computer program. It operator has to feed the dimensions of the finished product in the specified program of the machine and then does its job by finishing one process after another automatically with the extreme level of accuracy and speed.
  • The operating costs incurred by a CNC equipment are much lower than the traditional lathe costs.
  • The labour costs can be reduced at a great extent because one operator can operate several.
  • A CNC device can work for several tasks required to be accomplished in various industries like textiles, power generation, medical, defence, plastic, aerospace, automotive, automobiles etc.

Buying CNC Lathe Machines

Buying CNC lathe can be a big investment and so one cannot afford to buy without knowing some of the things to look for when buying such one. The foremost thing which you need to be sure of while buying it is the quality. A good quality machine can boost your productivity and a low quality can drop your productivity at a great extent. So, you need to be careful about the quality of a CNC lathe and make sure that all the quality parts have been used otherwise it may increase your maintenance costs. Secondly, you need to ensure that you buy CNC lathe for your workshop from a reliable source. Just go through the customer reviews for the manufacturers of it and then decide on a particular supplier who can suggests you the best machinery as per your workshop requirements.

Bottom Line

If you are buying a CNC lathe to make your job easier then that would be a perfect decision for your business but you also need to ensure that the unit you are buying is of high quality so that breaking down of your machinery can be avoided from time to time. In such competitive business environment, it would be always better to choose the best machinery for your workshop which can ensure safety of your laborers and gives accurate and speedy outputs.

How to Buy Lathe Machine for Your Workshop?

Giving shapes to rigid materials like wood and metals was not an easy job in ancient times. It was a back breaking job to remove unwanted parts from metals to give a specific shape. It is rightly said that necessity is the mother of invention. Due to this necessity of shaping, twisting and turning metals, lathe machine was invented. It is used to remove undesirable material to form specific shape in a metal. It was successful in reducing 50 per cent of human labour work due to which it became very much popular in workshops and since then there were many improvements brought in a lathe machine which added versatility to it. The applications are not limited to only one industry. There are various luxurious items made of metals which we use in our day to day life. It is used to shape, cut and twist those metals which make the process of manufacturing those products quite easy and quick. The size and functionality may vary from small lathe to huge lathe with lot many features. There are many types of lathe available like light duty lathe, medium duty heavy duty lathe machines, CNC lathe etc. The selection depends on the job to be accomplished in a workshop. For example a jeweler or a hobbyist may use a small lathe to complete their metal shaping jobs but if an industrial product is to be manufactured, then a huge and fully featured lathe machine is required. Before you buy It, you need to have complete information about different parts and how they work.

Lathe Machine and its Parts

Basically, there are 6 main parts which are briefed below:-

The Bed – It is a rigid and stable platform which is an aligning surface to place the material which is to be shaped. The headstock is on the left hand side and tailstock is on the right hand side of the lathe bed when the machine is viewed from the front side.

Headstock – The headstock turns the work piece by holding the spindle and drive mechanism. The spindle is rotated through a motor-driven belt or directly by a motor. The headstock can adjust speed adjustment with the help of gears or sliding pulleys which are mounted in its rear.

Tailstock – The tailstock allows accurate machining because it supports work which is time consuming, for example turning long pieces straight. A drill chuck is mounted in the tailstock for better results.

Carriage – The carriage moves left and right through manual operation of a hand wheel or driven by a lead screw. At the base of a carriage is a saddle that mates and aligns with the bed ways. It provides mounting and motion control components for cooling.

Cross Slide – The cross slide is placed on the top of the carriage to provide movement perpendicular to the length of the bed for cutting the work piece.

Lead Screw – As the headstock turns, the lead screw enables automatic feed and makes cutting possible.

Thus, the above mentioned are the basic parts. The machine can be upgraded as per the job to be completed in a workshop. The smallest lathe machine can be found with a watch maker whereas, the largest lathe machine with many features can be found at industrial workshops. So, the selection depends on the job to be completed. Still, there are few things which should be considered before selecting for your workshop which are given below:-

  • Consider the spindle in the lathe you are buying. The spindle comes in standard and non-standard sizes, so you need to select which suits the requirement of your job as spindle is the core to the operations.
  • The bed capacity is very much important as it will determine the size of the material on which you can work on.
  • Different speed is selected for different jobs to be performed. If you are cutting a metal, you might need high speed but if you need to carve a metal which requires high accuracy, then you might prefer to work at a medium speed. So, make sure you can adjust to different speeds.
  • Be careful with cheap lathe machine as it might be consisting of cheap parts which may wear out very soon.

If you are planning to buy  and require having more information on it, visit http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com.

Bhavya Machine Tools Delivers Lathe Machines for Industries and Institutes across India

Lathe machine is wonderful equipment used to shape objects with symmetrical physical properties about the axis of rotation. Various actions like cutting, knurling, sanding, drilling or deformation can be easily and quickly performed on a work piece using a modern lathe unit which is now-a-days available with highly automated features. It is not only the industries that require lathes even institutes like engineering colleges where education on machines, their parts and uses is given to the students require lathes for practical demonstrations in their workshops. We are specialist in delivering lathe for colleges and institutes. The firm has already marked its presence in various states across the country by supplying high-end device including lathes to the well known institutes spread across several states including Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Haryana, Kerala and many more.

Where to Get the Best Lathe Machines?

The developers and team working at Bhavya are highly proficient and experienced developers who since several years have been designing state-of-the-art lathe equipment for industrial use. They very well know the requirements of their clients very well and therefore build their machines with most desired features so that the clients can get the most satisfactory and reliable services for longer working periods of time. The primary goal of the team at Bhavya is to offer their clients the flawlessly designed lathe machines with tight tolerances. The MAX and RXZ Series models of lathe of Bhavya are perfect examples of such. They are multipurpose devices that are incorporated with the latest technology and simple to use features which give the users improved performance and at the same time ease of use. Lathe toolsa offered by Bhavya scatter across a wide continuum of specifications and types which include light duty lathes, heavy duty lathe, extra heavy duty lathes, roll turning lathe, slant/flat bed CNC lathe, all geared lathe and much more. For those looking to buy lathe equipment for their industry or institution, can visit https://www.bhavyamachinetools.com to know more.

About Bhavya Machine Tools

Bhavya Machine Tools is an ISO 9001:2008 certified tools manufacturing company in India. The company specializes in supplying lathe, drilling, V belt driven shaping, shearing, pillar and C type power press and machines for tool room, construction, metal and wood working industries. For further details please contact us at +91-79-4024 2800, +91 – 79 – 3007 4560 or visit our office located at

A-601, 6th Floor, Sapath-4, Opp. Karnavati Club,

S.G. Highway Road, Satellite,

Ahmedabad-380 051,

Gujarat. (India).

Bhavya Machine Tools Present the Series of Lathe Machines

light duty lathe machineLathe Machines are one of the important workshop tools used in creating the symmetry about an axis rotation. It is used to equipment the comparative hard materials. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of lathe are offering a wide range of lathes for various industrial applications.


We offers Below Exclusive Range of Lathe Machines:


Light Duty & Medium Duty Lathe Machine – highly durable, sturdy and easy to operate and made from corrosion resistance material for long lasting applicable in electronics, electrical and automobile industry where need the limited work features of lathe.

Heavy Duty Lathe Machine – This highly efficient lathe from Bhavya Machine tools is best applicable to the metal working, wood turning and metal spinning. High quality and state of the art technology lathes are presented in MAX Series & YBX Series in various models varies with the factors height of center, width of bed, max. Swing, spindle, travel and other parameters.

Roll Turning Lathe Machine – This extra heavy duty lathe is made up of high quality iron and steel having accurate dimension, abrasion and corrosion resistant with high tensile strength useful in power plants, ship building , repairing shops, paper mills, oil and mining etc industries.


All Geared Lathe Machine – We offers wide range of all geared lathe machines including light duty, medium duty, heavy duty and extra heavy duty. The gear box with lead screw & feed shaft increase the capacity of machining.

Imported Lathe Machine – It including universal all geared imported lathe, Gap bead all geared lathe, high speed all geared lathe CDS A, high speed all geared lathe CDS B offered by us are highly demanded as per the industrial need.


Imported CNC Lathe – Imported CNC lathe are computer auto control lathe device for machining the hard metal, wood and material for high end required accuracy. This is available in 3 various models : A) Flat Bed CNC Lathe CKE6130i B) Flat Bed CNC Lathe CKE 6150Z C) Slant Bed CNC Lathe. For further details visit – http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com/lathe-machine/cnc-lathe-machine.html

About Bhavya Machine Tools

We are leading tools manufacturer in India offering diverse models of workshop, sheet metal, wood working, automobile & garage, plastic & printing, welding, food processing, sheet bending, shaping, lathe, automatic CNC milling, press brake, power press machines etc. For more details contact at

A-601, 6th Floor, Sapath-4, Opp. Karnavati Club,

S.G. Highway Road, Satellite,

Ahmedabad-380 051,

Gujarat. (India).

Phone: +91-79-4024 2800, +91 – 79 – 3007 4560

Bhavya Machine Tools Introduces 165mm and 175mm Light Duty Lathe Machines

Lathe machines are the most efficient tools for handling jobs of cutting, shaping and fabricating metals. We introduces a multipurpose light duty lathe which can easily and efficiently handle wide range of applications in a workshop or industry including production of symmetrical parts, screw threading, tapering work, holes drilling, knurled surfaces and crank shafts etc. Incorporated with the latest technology, this is an advanced lathe machine flawlessly designed with tight tolerances for better accuracy in tasks. We understands the importance of quality materials that go into construction of equipment and therefore designs the light duty lathe with the all the desired standard accessories like chuck plate, gear set, centre adaptor, dead centres, dial indicator, square tool post and tool post key made out of best materials so that user can get optimum performance with the unit for a longer period of time. This is simple and robust lathe manufactured by the company in two most desired height specifications – 165mm lathe and 175mm light duty lathe machine. Available with user friendly controls the device is very easy to operate and enables the user to work on for high precision jobs with total control and ease. The simple design makes installation very easy and therefore the equipment can effortlessly be set up at the workplace conveniently without any hassles. This is ideal machine for applications at workshops and small scale metal fabricating tasks at power plants, steel rolling mills, tool rooms, ship building, repairing shops, paper mills, workshops, textile, oil and mining industries.

About Bhavya Machine Tools

We are  leading tools manufacturer in India offering diverse models of workshop, sheet metal, wood working, automobile & garage, plastic & printing, welding, food processing, sheet bending, shaping, lathe, automatic CNC milling, press brake machines, power press machines etc. For more details visit http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com or contact at

A-601, 6th Floor, Sapath-4, Opp. Karnavati Club,

S.G. Highway Road, Satellite,

Ahmedabad-380 051,

Gujarat. (India).

Phone: +91-79-4024 2800, +91 – 79 – 3007 4560

How Lathe Machine Operates?

A lathe machine is a tool used in workshop which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, turning, facing, threading, sanding, knurling, drilling or deformation such as metal spinning with tools that are applied to the work piece to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation. The lathe equipment holds a piece of material between two rigid supports called centers, or by some other device such as chuck or faceplate which revolves about the center line of the lathe. Metal is removed from the work piece using a hardened cutting tool, which is usually fixed to a solid moveable mounting also known as toolpost which is then moved against the work piece using hand wheels or computer controlled motors. The lathe tool which are controlled by the computer are known as CNC lathe machine used for mass production of parts. These are commonly provided with a variable ratio gear train to drive the main leadscrew which enables different pitches of threads to be cut. Some older gear trains in a lathe machine are changed manually by using interchangeable gears with various numbers of teeth, while more modern or elaborate lathes have a quick change box to provide commonly used rations by the operation of a lever. To better know about how it operates, it is necessary to undergo the details of the components as given below:-


The headstock includes the main spindle, speed change mechanism and change gears. It is required to make a headstock as robust as possible because of the cutting forces involved during the process of cutting or shaping metals using a lathe machine.


The main spindle is generally hollow to allow long bars to extend through to the work area, which reduces preparation and waste of material. The spindle then runs in precision bearings and is fitted with some means of attaching work holding devices known as chucks or faceplates. This end of the spindle will also have an included taper, usually morse to allow the insertion of tapers and centers.

Electric Motor and Gear Box

The lathe machines use a gear box which is driven by a dedicated electric motor. The fully geared head in the gear box allows one to select the speed through the gear box.


The bed is a stationery base in a lathe machine which is connected to the headstock. It allows the carriage and tailstock to get aligned parallel with the axis of the spindle.

Feed and Lead Screws

The feedscrew is a long driveshaft that allows a series of gears to drive the carriage mechanisms. Like feedscrew, the leadscrew is driven by either the change gears or an intermediate gearbox known as quick change gearbox.


The carriage holds the tool bit and moves it longitudinally or perpendicularly under the control of the operator. The carriage can be moved manually by the operator or automatically if the feedscrew is engaged with the carriage feed mechanism.

Cross Slide

The cross-slide stands atop the carriage and has a leadscrew that travels perpendicular to the main spindle axis, to perform permit facing operations.

Compound Rest

The compound rest is also known as top slide which is the part of the machine where the tool post is mounted. The axis of compound rest can be adjusted independently of the carriage or cross slide.


The tailstock is placed opposite to the headstock and directly mounted on the spindle axis.

So, now when you have the information about how lathe works, if you want to buy a lathe device to complete the processes at your workshop with accuracy then just visit http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com and view the specifications and details of various types of lathe which will help you to select just the right one to accomplish your metal shaping and cutting jobs quickly and accurately.

Significance of Lathe Machine for Metal Shaping Industries

There is no doubt in saying that necessity is the mother of all inventions. All the machines are invented with a single purpose and that is to reduce labour work and get things done quickly. In ancient times, giving shapes to metal was a tedious job and time consuming process. The invention of lathe machine made the job of metal shaping much easier. Basically, It is used to remove the unwanted part from the metals to give it a new shape. The material is rotated against the tool which trims down the material into shape. In olden times, It was operated manually but the machine got many innovative improvements after that. The technological changes brought many versatile changes to a lathe machine. There are many products which we use in our daily life using metals of different shapes and sizes. The production of all these products has been possible only due to a lathe machine. Every other industry is influenced. it can even perform the complicated process of shaping metals. To manufacture any metal product, the basic requirement is to shape it and that is possible only due this tool.

Elements of a Lathe Machine

Generally, it provides a variety of rotating speeds and different features which can enable manual and automatic controls for moving the cutting tool. There are various types of equipment available like light duty, medium duty, heavy duty, extra heavy duty etc. No matter which device you choose, suiting to your job requirements, below are the common elements which are present in every lathe machine as given below:-

Chuck – is used to hold the work piece and can be replaced with Jacobs chuck or centre for alternative work holding.

Tailstock – is used to hold and located the tail centre and can be unlocked and slid towards the chuck.

Tail centre – is used to hold the end of long pieces of work, as the small lengths can just be held in the chuck. Centre can be removed and replaced with Jacobs chuck and drill and the advance wheel rotated to drill the work.

Tool Post – is used to hold the cutting tool in a precise location.

Cross Slide – it runs on the bed rails and has a mounting for the tool post which can be driven forward by the tool post advance wheel to bring the cutting tool on to the work peice.

Cross Slide Advance – It is used to move the cross slide and tool post sideways and hence the cutting tool towards and away from the chuck.

Drive pulleys and belts – are used to achieve various speeds by varying the belt position on the pulleys.

How to Choose a Lathe Machine?

  • As you know there are various types of lathe machines available having different features, you need to select as per your job requirements. For example, an average hobbyist would choose a light duty lathe machine which is small in size but if a metal work shop requires, then it would definitely go for an extra heavy duty or a CNC.
  • It is very much important to consider the bed capacity before selecting it depends on the material on which you require to work on.
  • The core to any lathe machine is the spindle. The spindle comes in standard as well as non-standard sizes. So, you need to choose the spindle size depending on the metal shaping project you are working on.
  • Never go for cheap, as you may end up buying consisting non-standard parts which are not going to last longer period of time.

Types of Lathe Machines

A lathe machine is an important machine tool in a workshop as it is basically used to shape the metal articles. Initially the basic operation was to cut cylindrical metal stock which was then further developed to produce screw threads, tapered work, drilled holes, knurled surfaces and crank shafts. It provides a variety of rotating speeds and a facility to manually and automatically move the cutting tool into the work piece.  The workshop owners and the workers should be thoroughly familiar about the different lathe tools and its operations to accomplish the jobs of cutting, shaping and fabricating metal sheets. So below given are the different types used for different applications and you can choose one for your workshop according to the nature of the job to be completed.

Light Duty Lathe Machine

These are generally small size with a swing of 10 inches or less, mounted to a bench or table top. These are made of quality tested material and is used in electronic, electrical and automobile industries. It can be used in almost all machining jobs but may be limited due to the size of the material that can be turned.

Medium Duty Lathe Machines

It consist of a strong bed casting made of close grained cast iron. Even under high pressure and heavy load, it can give best performance without vibrations. It can be used in different industrial and mechanical applications like turning, shaping, facing, boring and threading of all kinds of metals. It has been successful in performing many difficult tasks of metal cutting and shaping in many manufacturing units.

Heavy Duty Lathe Machine

These are manufactured from highest grades of material like iron and steel. It is designed for performing many tasks efficiently like screw cutting, sliding and surfacing operations. It has dimensional accuracy due to which it ensures high tensile strength and longer service life. Moreover, heavy duty are quite easy to install and operate.

Extra Heavy Duty Lathe Machine

These are considered as highly efficient which are used in steel & paper mills, oil country, ship building, power plants, mining and textile industries. This type is available in various models of different technical specifications referring to type of bed, length and width of bed, lead screw diameter etc. Extra heavy duty lathe machines are manufactured using high grade durable material which enables it to have a long service life. Moreover, these are well known for their low maintenance, long working life and accuracy in performance.

Roll Turning Lathe Machine

These are suitable for extra heavy duty jobs like sliding, surfacing and screw cutting jobs. These are dimensionally accurate, abrasion resistant, corrosive resistant and has high tensile strength. It can be used to its full capability because it embraces great toughness, ample power & control to drive the carbide tipped machine tools.

All Geared Lathe Machine

These are used in different operations such as sanding, drilling, cutting, etc. Moreover, these are further categorized as light duty all geared, medium duty all geared, heavy duty all geared as extra heavy duty all geared. It work with excellent accuracy, perfection and smoothness. If maintained properly this type can work round the clock.

CNC Lathe Machine

These are well known for higher production and lower costs. Moreover, it fulfils the requirement of quick results with high quality in many industries like electrical, automobiles, electronics etc. CNC lathe machines are highly used for manufacturing high quality components or parts as it operates with the help of a computer program. Therefore, it enables production of large quantities with less effort.

If you are in search of more information about lathe machines and different types is in order to select just suiting to your workshop requirement, then visit http://www.bhavyamachinetools.com, there you will find it made of high quality accessories providing high performance and incurring low maintenance cost.

How to Use Lathe Machine?

Basically, a lathe machine is a tool used to shape metals.The material is rotated in the cylindrical motion and then touches a cutting tool to it which cuts the material. The metal sheet is fixed on the chuck of the lathe machine and then the chuck rotates in the vertical direction as well as right and left direction and touching byte’s tip to the material to cut the metal. The original lathe machine when invented used to complete tasks like cutting cylindrical metal sheets and then it was further developed to produce screw threads, tapered work, drilled holes, knurled surfaces, and crankshafts. The modern lathe machines available nowadays, offer the facility of rotating speeds as well as adjusting manually and automatically the cutting tool. There are different types available like light duty, medium duty, heavy duty, extra heavy duty, all geared, imported, CNC, roll turning and many more. No matter what type it is, you need to follow the below given basic instructions while using it.

  • You need to ensure that it should not be started cold. First of all, warm up the lathe machine for 10 minutes, setting its speed up to 1000 rpm. It should also be well lubricated and you need to check all the tools and ensure that they are tight.
  • Now, the tool holder should be located and tool block should be inserted in it. The spot is supposed to be located in the tool block where you can insert a cutter. Also for safety reasons, you need to tighter the tool block as tighter as you can. The cutters allow the users to cut from left to right, which is also known as cutting on a Z axis.
  • The tail stock is to be located where drill chuck can be inserted. The tail stock is very useful as it helps in drilling holes in the metal. The crank at the end of the measuring device helps in performing precision depths to the cuts.
  • The next step would be to set your zero and stop the turning spindle. You need to get a tool holder and put in at least 0.5 inch block between the tip of your tool and the metal sheet. Slide the tool holder in and out on an X axis to tighten it. The micrometer wheel should be set to zero.
  • Also you need to set your X zero point by pulling the Z axis tool towards the spindle and slide 0.5 inch block between the tool and the work piece. You also need to set the X axis micrometer to zero and turn the wheel 0.5 inch away.
  • So, now if you want to cut 0.5 inches from the metal sheet keep X axis and Z axis both 0.25 inches away from the metal sheet and then start the spindle.

Safety Measures to be Taken While using a Lathe Machine

  • You need to get dressed correctly by rolling your sleeves above the elbow. Also remove rings and watch if you have worn.
  • Before making any adjustments to the tools, always remember to stop the machine.
  • Spindle speeds should not be changed until it has come to a complete stop.
  • Always wear protective eye glasses.
  • While the metal sheet is turning, never try to measure the cut.
  • Never lean on the it.