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How to Use a Grinding Machine Safely?

The grinding machine is utilized in a tool shop for various purposes such as finishing, forming, sharpening, cutting, roughing, snagging, cleaning, polishing, buffing, etc. However, while operating a grinding device, it may cause serious injuries to the operator or any person nearby. Hence, it is essential to observe the following safety precautions, in order to use it safely, and thus avoid any injuries.

    • Always wear goggles during all operations.
    • Verify grinding wheels for cracks before mounting.
    • Never operate grinding wheels at speeds exceeding the recommended limit.
    • Never adjust work mounting devices or workpiece while operating.
    • Never exceed recommended depth of cut for grinding wheel or machine.
    • The workpiece must be removed from the grinding wheel before turning off.
    • Sufficient wheel guards must be used.
    • The tool rest must be kept at proper distance from the wheel.
    • Machine guards must be in place and function properly.

  • Only those persons who are authorized as trained and competent operators must be allowed to operate.
  • It is mandatory to provide sufficient instructions to the operators, and also constantly supervise the tool operations.
  • The device must not be utilized to carry out tasks beyond its specific capacity.
  • The operator must operate only one machine at a time.
  • Make sure that the workspace is clean and dry before using the unit, as slippery flooring may cause injuries.
  • All operators must wear suitable personal protective equipment.
  • It is compulsory to wear eye protection equipments.
  • Operators must also wear close fitting protective clothing. This is necessary as loose clothing items such as ties and shirt sleeves are likely to get entangled in the moving parts.
  • Persons with long and loose hair must properly tie them.
  • Dust masks must be put on in highly contaminated or dusty surroundings.
  • It is also compulsory to wear a hearing protection.
  • Operators must always wear sturdy footwear in the work areas.
  • Everyone must wear hand gloves while operating.
  • Operators must not wear watches, rings, or any other jewellery or accessory.
  • If a person has put on any medical alert identity, it must be taped.
  • Always utilize the right kind of grinding wheel for the material being grinded.
  • Never grind non ferrous materials.
  • The work rest must be set at an adequate distance from the abrasive wheel.
  • The grinding wheels must be regularly serviced.
  • Ensure that the machine attains full speed before grinding.
  • Never push the workpiece against a cold wheel.
  • Always move the workpiece uniformly across the face of the wheel.
  • Never hold the workpiece with a cloth, apron or pliers.
  • Always stop and remove the power plug before cleaning or adjusting.
  • If any liquid is spilled on the floor, it must be immediately and also properly cleaned using an absorbent material.

The main objective of this article is to educate readers about the safety parameters while operating the grinding equipment.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
