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Popular Types of Woodworking Machinery Used in Workshops and Industries

Machines employed in a wood processing operation to cast the desired shape or dimensions from the wood work piece are known as woodworking machine. It may be manual operated or computer controlled machinery. Manual machines are good for the small scale jobs while the computer controlled machines are ideal equipments for automation of wood processing tasks in industries. These CNC machines are designed in robust structural designs and therefore can well meet the heavy duty wood working requirements in tough industrial environments.

The quality of wood work in a workshop or an industry depends on the performance of these machineries. Therefore for accuracy and efficiency in wood working it is very necessary to select the appropriate form of unit in most suitable configurations to meet the desired requirements. There are different forms of woodworking machinery employed in workshops and industries for tasks like wood cutting, shaping, finishing, drilling, grinding etc. Some of the popular forms are as follows

 Surface/Thickness Planer

A wood surface planer or thickness planer is a popular workshop machine used for finishing flat wooden surfaces for consistency in thickness and shape. The surface/thickness planers for industrial processes come in variant surfacing or thicknessing capacities and therefore can be selected for a hassle-free performance to better suit specific wood working requirements in different industries. A surface cum thickness planer machine is an ideal option for the workshop applications to ensure that maximum accuracy, speed and efficiency of surface and thickness finishing jobs can be achieved with a single machine.

Chain/Chisel Mortiser

Chain/chisel mortisers are very important wood working machine tools used for drilling holes into wooden surfaces. These mortisers are usually employed in workshops for cutting square or rectangular slots in a piece of lumber so as to get desired mortise and tenon joints.

Tenoning Machine

The wooden work pieces are usually joined with the help of mortise and tenon joints where mortise is a hole drilled on wooden piece while the tenon is a projection designed to fit into this hole with best fit dimensions on other piece. tenoning machine used to craft out the tenons.

Grinder/Grinding Machine

Various types of grinding tools are employed in workshops and wood industries for finishing surfaces. Grinding devices come in various specifications and configurations and can be used for performing various tasks like finishing internal cylinders or bores, sharpening the cutting tools in workshops, removing rough projections from castings, cleaning, polishing, and buffing surfaces and much more. Bench/table top grinders, blade grinders, gear type grinding tools are commonly used in wood workshops and industries.

Jig Saw

Designing wood for artistic patterns is best possible on a jig saw woodworking. It can cut arbitrary or most irregular shapes out of wooden work piece. With the use maximum precision and swiftness in the wood designing tasks can be achieved at workshops and industries.

Apart from these several other forms of woodworking  tools are employed in industries and workshops. It give efficiency to the tasks by reducing the wastage and help in accomplishing the most accurate cutting, shaping and other wood processing applications in much lesser time.

For those looking to buy wood working equipments, We can offer the most reliable versions of advanced machineries suitable for performing customized wood processing applications suitable to specific industries and workshop requirements.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
