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Machine Tools – Bandsaw Machine, Milling Machine, CNC lathe, Turret milling

Lathe machine is used to create symmetrical shape of metal. It is used for precise shape of hard materials. This is widely used in paper mills, power plants, shipping and mining industries and oil industries. Bandsaw machine is applied for irregular and to curve the shapes for wood working and metal working. It’s creating uniform cutting for evenly distributed tooth load. It cut the metal and wood with better accuracy and high cutting speed.CNC lathe is another important tool. The full form of CNC lathe is computed numerically controlled lathe is an electronic machine for shaping wood and other materials by rotating drive.

This makes no errors in comparison with manual machine. A turret milling is useful for accurately shaping metal and many solid materials. It ensure durability and reliability. Their versatile features and higher cutting capacity leads to better efficiency. These are created using best quality components to meet maximum load conditions. Sheet bending machine which is designed for accurate and economical bending of standard and special design forms. It is used for punching, cutting, bending and shearing sheet metal. Press brake is mostly used for bending metal sheets and plates.

A wood working machine is a special type of equipment that is designed to process wood. It is used for various operations such as cutting, drilling, grinding, shaping, joining, finishing etc. Panel processing equipments for used for bulk manufacturing of wooden products. construction tools like concrete mixer, hydraulic type mixer, concrete mixer without hopper, half bag concrete mixer, weight batcher, slab trolley with rails etc. equipments are primarily used for performing various construction related tasks. Such there is a wide array of tools available in market for granular micro work to giant metal shape cutting, shaping, welding and bending work.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog written by Mr. Yash Shah is about machine tools including workshop machinery, wood working machines, sheet metal machinery provided by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading distributors of machine tools in India.
