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The Sheet Bending Machine in Iron Sheet Manufacturing

Introduction to Sheet Bending Machine

Iron and steel are the most common fabrication material in manufacturing and repair shops. They are widely used in construction, assembly, vehicle manufacture, processing and packaging industry. Large metal plates are produced in form of foils, rolls and plates that are then used for numerous applications. Bending is a common operation done in production centers. The component is plastically deformed along a given axis and this result to a change in geometry and shape. Various sheet metal bending equipments have been developed and are used during production. Essentially, this equipment folds the object into various angles and also produces various shapes during manufacturing. In this process, the material is first feed into the device. Manual or automatic controlled clamping that positions the components on the equipment is done. Then, the front plate of is then lifted to bend the plate to the required angle. Other forming methods can be accomplished using this instrument.

Sheet Bending Machine in Iron Sheet Manufacturing

Use of the device in iron sheet manufacturing

Iron comes in various sizes and shapes depending on its utilization. During their production, the folding machine is utilized to produce various shapes and structures.  Edge folding is the most common bending process performed using manual and automatic devices. The component is bent at the edges to various angles. The materials are first feed to the device such that the part to be bent protrudes from the equipment edge.  They are then clamped such that the protruding part is cantilevered about the clamping edge. A wiping die is then used to apply a vertical force that bends the component to the required angle. This method is used to produce a variety of bends on iron plates.

Different Sheet Bending Processes

A channel folding is another process performed using specialized equipment. In this case, the machine has an upper and lower die.  The two are made to various geometries that resemble the part to be developed. For example, a square punch will produce square shaped bend while a V or U shaped dies develops V and U groves respectively. The die is made such that the punch fits into it and is clamped on the lower surface of the device. Upon lowering the punch, the component is formed to resemble the curvature of the forming dies. This is a quick and economical method to develop most components. The use of this equipment is therefore very important in fabrication processes.

Corrugation is another common bending process. In this process, a special tool is used to produce a series of symmetrical grooves on the entire surface of the component. Corrugations have increased resistance to twisting and fracture. Depending on the shape of the die, different corrugations such as U, V or square corrugations can be made on the component. In the corrugation process both the punch and die are identical but one part is held stationary while the punch moves vertically. The metal plate is mounted between the two dies and subsequent pressing forms the corrugations.  The device is also used to develop other complex sheet structures.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
