Monthly Archives: July 2012

Important Tool Room Machines You Need to Buy for a Workshop
Improvement of processes in a workshop and automation doesn’t need to be an expensive affair. It needs to be a smarter choice of tool room machines required in a workshop. Various industrial applications require rigid material like wood and metal…

All You Need to Know About a Milling Machine
A milling machine is a versatile tool room machine which is used to remove undesirable metal from the sheet metal to give a specific shape to an object. The first milling machine was invented by Eli Whitney for producing interchangeable…

Power Press – A Machine Which Can Turn Sheet Metal into Miraculous Shapes
A Power press is a special kind of machine that can bend any sheet metal into a specific shape. There are various products made of metal which we use in our day to day life like automobiles, electronic gadgets etc.…

CNC Lathe Machines Can Make Your Job Easy
CNC is the short form of computer numerically controlled which refers to a process in which a computer reads code instructions in order to control a tool. A CNC lathe is controlled by a computer due to which the material…

How to Buy Lathe Machine for Your Workshop?
Giving shapes to rigid materials like wood and metals was not an easy job in ancient times. It was a back breaking job to remove unwanted parts from metals to give a specific shape. It is rightly said that necessity…

Bhavya Machine Tools Supplies Latest Technology Shaping Machines for Industrialists of New Era
Higher production requirements of the industries are compelling the industrialists to update their manufacturing equipment with latest technology which gives higher and also faster production rates. Team at Bhavya have very well understood this requirement of industrialists of the new…

Bhavya Machine Tools Delivers Lathe Machines for Industries and Institutes across India
Lathe machine is wonderful equipment used to shape objects with symmetrical physical properties about the axis of rotation. Various actions like cutting, knurling, sanding, drilling or deformation can be easily and quickly performed on a work piece using a modern…

Bhavya Machine Tools Present the Series of Lathe Machines
Lathe Machines are one of the important workshop tools used in creating the symmetry about an axis rotation. It is used to equipment the comparative hard materials. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of lathe are offering a wide range…