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How Glass Work Pieces are transformed into Employable Materials with Lathe?

Features of Lather which make us Wonder

A lathe apparatus is a workshop friendly device with which a range of machining processes can be done such as cutting, drilling, turning, deformation, etc This device can be purchase based on the core industrial requirements and in accordance with the specific features it is embedded with, such as,

  • A lathe apparatus can be applied on a wide range of material surfaces such as metal, glass, wood, plastic, etc
  • A variety of functions can be handled with this equipment such as, screwing threads, tapering, drilling holes, knurling surfaces, crank shafts, etc
  • This device is provisioned with rotating operation whereby the work piece can be rotated to proceed with a number of cutting and shaping actions.
  • There are different designs of equipment provided by manufacturers of today where the consumer will feel the ease of selecting a particular design deciding over the rotating speed of the machine and the performance required for the respective industry.

Thus, the above flexible features in device make us wonder about its multiple functional capacities and the trend in designing innovative designs.

What are the Risks and Challenges Faced in Glass Shaping Work?

Lathe for glass shaping work is the most complicated jobs of all. Such fragile materials have to be shaped with precise handling as even minor variation in handling might result in breakage of the material, hence, choosing a lathe for glass works should also mean that safety aspects are also justified because there are possible risk factors in glass work lathe such as,

  • With glass the risk of man held glass work piece is very less as it is equipped with two head stocks, one for holding and another for turning the work piece. However, handling the working tools for heating the material needs to be done with proper safety precautions and attention.
  • Optical surface creation over a glass material is a challenging job for which watchfulness is completely required. Even minor mistakes may result in great loss. Some CNC lathe for glass cutting will be equipped with diamond tipped tool for creating optical material from glass hence, they will stay a suitable option for such works.
  • Lenses of complex varieties are created with this method, however careful attention toward each machining activity is recommended while handling as well as while delivering the product.
  • Wearing safety goggles, hand gloves will stay one of the basic options to avoid risks.

How does a Lathe Transforms Heavy Duty and Delicate Materials into Employable one?

Lathe apparatus are designed in different shapes pertaining to the work material range, weight and quantity. However, implementing an accurate lathe component in harmony with industrial needs will fetch good results. For example,

  • A basic light duty lathe machine will stay a suitable option to handle light weight materials.
  • Heavy duty materials like metal blocks, rods or large wood logs can be managed only with specific design such as heavy duty apparatus or a medium duty apparatus.
  • A light duty is also the best kit to handle light materials with accuracy of machining. Thus transforms a heavy duty material to an employable one.
  • An all geared is a wonderful invention as it can be applied for wide functions in different industries such as mining, paper industries, power plants, etc.
  • A roll turning gadget is applied to make rolling mills, drying cylinders for paper industries, etc
  • A universal all geared can be preferred for noise free machining works.
  • Extra heavy duty is applied for heavy duty materials which needs tough performance for precise machining.


Buying a lathe machine is sure to fetch several benefits apart from the specific king of machining job required. Hence, while investing on a machine it is better to compare the specifications of the apparatus in accordance with the present work, negotiation of risk factors, and for future works also.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
