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How to Use a Vertical Bandsaw Machine?

A Vertical Bandsaw Machine is an advanced single blade machining unit, capable of cutting timber of various thicknesses and producing high-class finish. A Vertical Bandsaw Machine consumes less electrical power. They are also built with a sturdy frame and machining platform, resulting in increased service life. You can use this machine to cut timber, or to finish work on your shop floor.

Horizontal Bandsaws

The most basic function of horizontal bandsaw machines is cutting wood. The blade consists of a band of metal that has teeth on one edge. The blade is held securely between two wheels – the driven wheel provides power, and the idler wheel moves the blade. For straight-line sawing, the bandsaw blade should be as wide as possible and set to the desired speed. Horizontal bandsaw machines can also be used for radius sawing.

The blades of a horizontal bandsaw are made to cut through the hardest metal. A metal cooling framework keeps the blade edge cool and lubricated, preventing the cut from splintering or tearing the workpiece. Horizontal bandsaw machines have a quiet, efficient working principle and are ideal for reducing wastage. Their precision is the key to perfect cuts. And because horizontal bandsaw machines produce a low noise level, they are also an excellent choice for cutting large, complex pieces of work.

Single Blade Cutting Unit on Vertical Bandsaw Machine

Before you use your single blade cutting unit on your vertical bandsaw machine, you must make sure that it is running in the correct direction. For example, if your bandsaw runs on three-phase electricity, then the working portion of the blade should go down and run toward the blade wheel. If it does, then you should make the necessary adjustments to the wiring. If necessary, you should seek assistance from a qualified electrician.

A single blade cutting unit on a vertical bandsaw machine can perform straight-line sawing, curved sawing, and mitre-cutting operations. In a straight-line sawing operation, the blade of the saw moves down, causing the workpiece to be clamped against the mitre guide attachment and moved along a track parallel to the blade. This method of sawing is more common in industrial settings.

Coolant Requirement for Vertical Bandsaw Machine

There are many benefits to using the correct coolant for your vertical bandsaw machine. For instance, it can extend the life of your cutting fluid and cut more efficiently. It also prevents chip build-up by dissipating heat. And, the proper coolant will reduce the risk of clogging your gullet and blade. So, make sure you have the right type of coolant on hand. You can also try mist coolant systems.

To change coolant, mix it with water at a 10:1 ratio. Never use straight water. If you use the wrong mix, you’ll end up overheating the machine and wearing out the blade prematurely. Water alone can also cause corrosion and a rough cutting finish, and it can even harbour bacteria. For these reasons, you may want to seek a professional’s advice to determine the right coolant mix for your vertical bandsaw machine.

Vertical Bandsaw Machine

Cutting Curves on a Vertical Bandsaw

Cutting curves on a vertical bandsaw is a relatively simple procedure, but it requires some practice to achieve perfect results. First, check the angle of the band saw table. Depending on the type of cut you plan to make, you may need to set it at a specific angle. Mark the pattern on the board with pencil, and then set the blade guard to the correct angle. Once set, the blade guard should be locked into place.

Set the blade guide assembly to one quarter of the stock height. Next, place a V-block or clamp on the stock. Then, slide the blade forward until the guides are behind the blade gullets. When cutting curves, don’t leave the bandsaw machine until the blade has stopped spinning. Once the cut is complete, remove the scrap pieces. Make sure the stock remains flat on the table, or it will draw your fingers into the blade.

The Bottom Line

Vertical bandsaws are among the most popular metal cutters worldwide and are perfect for use in workshops since they operate well, require little maintenance, and last for many years. Additionally, a vertical band saw makes it simpler to precisely add little curves and features to materials.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
