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Machine Tools – Grinding Machine, Shaping Machine, Milling Machine

Grinding Machine

Grinding machine is one of the important tools for industrial usage. It is also referred as Grinder. It has two abrasive wheels for grinding the work piece. Grinder can be used to cut and grinding the work piece or metal piece through power controlled abrasive wheels that can be run on desired speed for better grinding. These abrasive wheels are used as a cutter that has a rough surface cuts small chips from the work piece and makes the metal piece surface area smoother with accurate cutting. Thus it removes material from the work piece by the abrasion method. This process generates heat which needs to be cooled for easy operation. Inbuilt coolant cools down the generated heat during the grinding process. Grinder cuts the metal with high quality and accuracy to give the best precision work. There are various types of grinding machines are available in the market for different industrial grinding needs. Belt grinder is used for debarring and grinding of metals and materials with coated abrasives. Bench grinder with different grain sized wheels are used for roughing and finishing of shaping tool bits and used for manual operation. Tool & cutter grinding are used for different industrial tools and cutter to grind and shape with precision accuracy. CNC controlled surface grinder are used manually for grinding the metal or other work pieces. Jig grinding machine is used to finish jigs, dies and fixtures. It is used in the process of manufacturing high quality precision gear.

Shaping Machine – It is used to cut flat metal surface. It is used when it needs to cut large amount of metal from the workspace compare to milling. Back and forth movements of top cutter through rotating wheels cut the measured amount of metal surface portion and carefully bolted down. The mechanism of the device is simple and widely used in major industries now days; though there are more technological advanced featured machines are available. Shaping is mechanical tool used to cut and shape metals like steel, aluminium etc.

Milling Machine – Cutting of solid metals is quite easy and accurate with milling machine. There are two types of classical segmented millings are used in industries. Horizontal milling and vertical milling. Sizes of these are vary as per the cutting requirements of metal from small, bench mounted and big room size milling machine. There is a movement of workspace radially passing through the rotating cutter of the milling machine that cut and smooth the surface of sides and tips. The speed of this cutting tool is controlled by electric panel. There are various types of variants available as per the industrial needs.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog written by Mr. Yash Shah is about machine tools including workshop machinery, wood working machines, sheet metal machinery provided by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading distributors of machine tools in India.
