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Why Lathe Machines have to be Operated by Skilled People?

Lathe Machine and Machining Possibilities

A lathe is fantastic workshop equipment that is applied mainly to cut different work piece materials like wood, glass, metals, etc. It is the only machining equipment that is designed to rotate the work piece with the help of a tool. Apart from that, machines are customized in different models to meet the precise machining needs. Starting from drilling operations, to shaping and cutting lathe remains a flexible option. In addition, the advent of fully automated lathe equipments has made great difference in machining activities. Hence, it stays one of the favourite workshop components for many engineering industries.

Complicated Working Mechanism in Lathe that Requires Safety Attention

Tooling with work piece like glass or metal is a complicated and risky aspect with lathe machine. When cutting process is applied with specific tooling option there are injuries possible with handling the cutting tool. In addition, post operations procedures like cleaning also involves complicated things like cleaning the sharp edges of cutting tool, or while filing it. Maintenance of rotating parts also contains certain critical safety issues such as with messing of rotating parts, metal splinters, etc. Careless handling might lead to critical injuries. Hence, pre-operational and post-operational safety instructions are educated to the operators before handling the device. Automated lathes are more risky than traditional equipment as misrepresentation of core machining parts might cause injury to eyes when the work piece is on for machining.

List of Risks in Lathe Machine Operations

Lathe machines are capable of handling different machining activities. Proper safety measures have to be provided before it operated like gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses, protective helmets etc. Ensuring the condition before the machining work begins is more important for safe working. Some of the possible risks are,

  • Lifting heavy parts like chucks or face plates which might not be possible with single handed assistance.
  • Proper adjustment of machining speed have to be checked before the machining operations is begin as it is very risky to work with incompatible machining speed with that of work piece material.
  • Ensuring that the work piece is clamped tightly is very important as it will end up in damage of the job or it might fall on the operator.

The Need for Skilled Operators for Lathe Device

Considering the risk factors involved in equipment and subsequent machining, many industries recommend the operational activities to be taken care of by experienced or skilled operators. Only experienced people can handle device in a safe and better way without leaving space for hazardous consequences. Hence, in many industries where workshop tools are highly preferred, they provide PPE or Personal Protective Equipment which includes a range of safety components starting from foot wear to covering shield, helmet, goggles, etc .


Lathe device is an interesting machining option where different types of workshop operations can be handled. Yet, when it comes to operational part, tools need to be handled with skilled people who can manage with better safety atmosphere.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah, an industry expert with in-depth knowledge of machine tools and industrial machinery. He explores various machining equipment, metal fabrication machines, and re-sharpening machines offered by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality machine tools worldwide.
