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Concepts of Energy Efficiency in Utilization of Machine Tools

Efficient utilization of it is important across all sectors of industry and economy. We comprise the lathe, the drill and sheet metal cutting and bending machines. Energy utilization varies as the work of the tools progresses. In milling and drilling operation the spindle or the cutting tool requires much more power as the volume of metal being removed increases and subsequently decreases as the bit approaches the end of the cutting.

Critical Need for Energy Saving In Machining

The overriding importance of efficiency and saving is the overall cost reduction of power requirements. All measures that can reduce the current drawn by a machine, end up reducing the power consumption of the instrument. Energy efficiency of a device also influences the life and the maintenance of the equipment. It is last longer and have lesser servicing requirements as compared to others. Currently, lathe and drills macwhines with geared motors specify the  marketing strategy.

drilling machine

General Measures for Energy Conservation in the Workshop

Good management of the operation is important for efficiency. Gradual removal of material is more preferred than the sudden removal of huge volume of metal. This is because it exacts more stress to the equipment than the gradual process.

Operator support during work increases efficiency by reducing time spent in moving the base load.

Energy Demand during Drilling and Milling

Various operating components consume power during operation. In lathe operation, processing of the cooling liquid, motor and gears operation, spindle movement and the logical control units consume power differently. The greatest consumer however is during machining. Measures such as efficient lubrication, cooling and accuracy during operation must be observed to save.

Efficiency of Drive Components

The efficiency of the spindle of the lathe machine is largely influenced by the ratio of the power consumed versus that of power delivered. Drive modules, motors, gears and mechanical components convert the electrical power to mechanical power. Losses occurring due to frictional losses, poor calibration and wear and tear increase the cost of operation.

Lathe machine

The Introduction of Regenerative Supply Components

The requirement of a braking system is very crucial in every system. When it is switched off, all moving parts have a momentum which must be managed because all that mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. Power efficient tools must have a system to allow for the back EMF to avoid damage to the electrical components.

Power Consumption in Lathe Machine and sheet metal bending operation

Main consuming processes are the rotation and the circulation of the coolant. With the sheet metal bending machine, the folding process is the heaviest power consumer. The firmness of the cutting tool and the accuracy has great bearing on the power requirements on the drive motor hence the efficiency.


Energy efficiency is a critical requirement while operating equipment. Currently, efficiency is one of the key factors considered during installation of motors. Measures taken to improve efficiency include adequate lubrication, proper work management, servicing and maintenance and management of back EMF.

Written by Yash Shah

This blog written by Mr. Yash Shah is about machine tools including workshop machinery, wood working machines, sheet metal machinery provided by Bhavya Machine Tools, a leading distributors of machine tools in India.
